Looking back at the first part of this dialogue (America the Great), i think i have shown America's Greatest in terms of three things: (1) Military Defense; (2) Science; and (3) Energy Independence. Not bad as a start, when you think about it. The Best Government in Defense; the Best in Science Frontier; and (3) a Government who brought us 100% energy independence. What more do you want the Government to be the best in?
If i were you the next thing i would ask my government to do is to TAKE OVER OUR HEALTH SYSTEM--there's too much bureaucracy, too much paperwork, too much waste. The so-called "private sector" sucks at providing health care in the United States. It costs twice as much of other comparable service systems and while providing less health care.
A thought like that seems so RADICAL. It's simple common sense. What would you do if every year you could take your ten percent of the cost out of the health care system? I'll tell you what i would do. I would start making health care more costly! I would rather get 10% of a bigger pie than a smaller pie. And that is what has been going on in the United States. Don't believe me. Just go compare the market value of the so-called "health companies" and compare their market value growth against the Apples, Walmarts, Microsoft, Alphabet, etc. You'll see. I already showed my results in my book Globanomics (as an example of how globanomics can be used internally within one's own nation).
Get it. Globanomics can and should be used in both a global mode as well as a national mode.
I diverge from the topic America the Great.
America's Educational System Public and Private is the Best in the World--and the envious model everyone is trying to achieve. The thing that makes America's way of providing education the best comes from nothing more than the freedom that every individual can choose the path of education that he or she wants to pursue. That degree (naturally or unnaturally learned) of freedom is what makes America the greatest system of all. Of course, we need to always protect these areas where we are ahead, but believe it or not, we do. That is why we have to protect our "freedom" and that is why we cannot have some stupid, crass, sociopath take the reins of our Great America again. If the people of the United States ever lose their "freedoms" i hope they fight the good battle.
But Trump is not the way. God, forbid. Trump is anti-American if he is anything else. He can hug the flag and smirk out at the rest of this, but he is not America the Great. Instead he wants to Make America Great Again. And in his fucking "image", Trump wants us and the world, too, to build "golden statues of gold" of his image. That is Trump! He's not America. He is the farthest thing in the world that should be used to define America.
And the people of the United States need to come to that understanding. At a 99.9% level, not just a 60% level.
That is why i am putting this America the Great out there. It's to inform them that maybe their government isn't quite as bad as it seems--and maybe, just maybe once we come to that understanding again--we can again sit down in a bi-partisan manner and have real discussions about our future--which by the way will be tied in with Globanomics.
Again, I diverge. Education covered.
America is Great because of its lead in Technology. Boy have we been good in technology. The atomic bomb, space, computers, internet, special softwares out the wazzoo, the best companies, the most value companies in technology--the ones that are doing the most research in the areas of new, futuristic technologies.. No. As far as Technology is concerned, the United States does not have much threat at this time. And Globanomics has ways to show that.
America is Great because of Integration. No other country in the world has quite the "mix" of people that we have in the United States. That is an advantage that we have taken advantage of for essentially the entire time our Federal Government has existed. The type of "freedom" we offer here in the United States is Greater than the kinds of "freedoms" offered other places. That is not to say, that we are perfect in this realm, but it is saying it is the Best.
Any statistics you can get outliers, but when you really get down and look into on a fairly competitive fair perspective--most of the outliers are likely to come from "smaller" countries than "bigger companies" on a comparative basis. That is why i like to keep that in mind when i am doing my own National Hierarchy of Needs analysis. I use 68, as i have said, many times before. The nations that fall into one category or the other or both--with the following two category items: (1) Being one of the 50th most in wealth; or (2) Being one of the 50th most in population.
I am not quite sure that last paragraph popped in here or how it relates to what i have been trying to talk about, but i will leave it just the same. It's correct in what was said, i just don't know why i said it.
Anyway, back on point with Integration. Statistics show that Integration is an advantage for all wealthy nations, not just the United States. I showed that in my book called Globanomics. It's the brain drain game and everyone plays it. The rich offer opportunities to the best people that the come out of other not so wealthy or smally populated countries. The best countries get the best of the lot. The United States of America has been doing this the best for years, and rather than discourage it in anyway, we should be trying to encourage that. Believe it or not we have restrictions that are used. Everyone forgets everything when they get caught up in the bushes. Think of Elon Musk when you think of Integration. Don't think about the Southern Boarder.
BTW, here is something else Globanomics will tell you. The United States is far from being over-crowded. Yes, there are countries with more space and room (e.g., Canada, Russia), but outside of just a couple of few--the United gives an American more space than a lot of other countries can, including (China, Japan, Europe, Indonesia, India, etc.). So don't start crying the blues and about crowding America out. Control integration, but don't get carried away in a negative way about it.
I will agree with everyone that every American should earn or prove his or her way in becoming an American. But believe it or not, most people don;t even no what the rules are to become an American, they don't even think there are any rules. What they don't know is that you have to prove you have a basic or fundamental understanding of the history of the United States, including the whys and wherefores for such people as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, etc. And you have to prove you know a lot more than just that. By the time our courts makes a person an American, that person becomes an American. They studied, did their work, and they proved. And each and everone of the immigrants are as much American as either you or I. Anyway, nothing you are going to do outside of start shooting people is going to change that--and we should not go around shooting people unnecessarily believe it or not.
Enough said in Part 2 of America the Great having covered Education, Technology, and Integration.
Now i am going to drive 30 miles to the nearest Walmart to pick up "dog treats" for my "three kids". Hope everyone has a good day.
The trouble in fact right now in the United States we are being too fucking restrict. We should be encouraging the world to give us their best. That makes it better for everyone. It will lead you to "Exponential Reality".
The United States, as it currently is, with its technological and financial coastal cities and its farming and manufacturing in the middle--will continue on within Globanomics. Nobody has to worry about changes those things as they are because of Globanomics. All of that is the "national" level of globanomics, not the "global" level of globanomics. Most people in globanomics will continue working on things from a national perspective as the most part. In other words, the President of the United States will still play an extremely important role in the United States of America. It is the responsibility of the President of the United States to Keep America Safe. It is not to Make America Great Again.
All you MAGA people can go fuck yourselves. You don't have a fucking idea what your Federal Government does for you. Spend some time and educate your dumb asses..
You are wrong about Trump. You should read this author's personal blog posts about Trump: Timothy Naegele Personal Blog | TalkMarkets
He used to be a democrat but has seen the light. Now he's MAGA 100%. Read why.
Couldn't find a nicer way to end that article huh? We'll I'll say the same back at you!