Just a little more than three months until "world peace". Can you stand it? For something so important, it still seems so far away, yet i do very much believe it is going to happen. Keep believing yourselves.
Date: Tuesday, August 23, 2022 4:42 AM EST
Views: 59
Today they tell me that 75% of America thinks America is going in the wrong direction. More than 50% of America does not think America will ever be as good as it once was.
Why such negativity? Why such discouragement? Why such despair?
America is Great. America is better today than it was yesterday. And America is going to be better tomorrow than it is today. That is the America that I know and believe in. Where's the disconnect? Who is wrong here? Which is true--the America that i know or the America that more than half the population knows?
The answer: I am.
It is time to dig down and take a hard look at ourselves, America. We don't need another foreign war to pull us together. We are fighting ourselves. We are living through a "cold" civil war that can result in only one outcome--which the winner gets to decide. Will "future America" carry forward with a strong democracy like it always has in the past or will "future America" crumble into a pile of trash under the rule of an authoritarian state?
I am willing to fight for the former future America. Which side are you on? I have nothing to lose. I am 75-years old. I have just lost my wife, my old high school sweetheart, my Linda. You are going to have to kill me before i let you take over the country that i have lived my life for.
If you are on the side fighting for the latter future America, you have only one advantage over me. You own guns and i do not. I only have words for my weapons. Just the same, i am willing to take that fight on. And do you want to know something, words last longer than lives do. Words last longer than guns do. Truth wins over lies. Sincerity wins over insincerity. And a democracy will win over any type of authortitarian rule.
Those of you on the other side--i know you. I have lived with you. Many of you i would like to still think of as friends.
But i will fight you! Earlier in my life i served my country as a soldier (a Navy man). I did not do so because i wanted to, but because my country wanted me to. And that is how i feel now. I don't want to fight, but goddamn it i will. In fact, my country needs me more today than it did back when i served on a USS fleet ballistic missile submarine and stood the watch during a "cold" war against a foreign threat--not a civil war against my friends and neighbors.
It's time to get real America! It's time to shake yourself out of the coma you are in! It's time to call a spade a spade! How many idiomatic phrases do you want me throw at you before you understand what i am saying?
Donald J. Trump is a skunk! How does that one work for you? Donald J. Trump is a "con man". Donald J. Trump sells snake oil with weekend retreats at Mar-la-go for those who buy one-hundred cases of his poison. Donald J. Trump "is not" the "second coming" and if he is then he is the "second coming" of Hitler not Jesus Christ, the son of God.
Donald Trump is no good. You don't have to be a genius to see through Donald Trump. His entire life has been a sham. He takes from the "poor" and gives to the "rich" (primarily himself). Donald Trump does not love you! Donald Trump doesn't love anyone other than himself. Everyone that has been around him has learned that sooner or later. His kids are even finding that to be true today. Donald Trump is destroying the lives of his own children forever, so what do you think he is trying to do to your children?
Jim, you are wavering from what you say is your main point--that America is Great. Instead, you are bashing one man, and in a way, probably 40% of America's population. Jim, you and your type are the problem with America--not Donald Trump. Donald Trump has done nothing wrong. In fact, he is the only person walking today that can "save America"!
I am sorry, folks, if you feel that way, but you are wrong. This blog does fit into my America the Great series and i am going to tell you why right now.
America is Great because it is a Democracy with free and believe it or not "fair elections". Free and fair elections. One person, one vote. Everyone gets a chance to state their opinion. What authoritarian type of government can say the same thing? American elections are not corrupt, even though the authoritarian wants you to think so. You can almost count with your fingers and toes the number of "corrupt votes cast" out of the millions and millions that are cast on American election day.
Prove me wrong, if you can, but you have tried, and you cannot.
America's election system makes America the Great. I have known this as a child growing up in small town Indiana where my mother worked at the polls on election date. I can see it when i go to the polls now. Both sides have representatives at each and every poll to ensure that there are no "shenanigans" going on. And it works.
America is Great because the "voters" kindly threw Donald J. Trump out of office. What chance did the Germans have to throw Hitler out of office? What chance is there that Russia and China can throw their leaders out of office. None.
Yes, I will admit there are some other countries in the world that have systems similar to that of the United States--and probably just as good. But those systems are copycats. We developed the methodology for "one person, one vote" when we set up our Constitution and we have employed that system longer than anyone else's system.
And here is another reason America is Great. Our justice system offers one the "benefit of the doubt". You are presumed innocent until proven guilty. If what happened on January 6, 2022 had happened in Great Britain (another pretty good country), the perpetrator of the event would have been taken directly to the Tower of London and given a place to stay while justice was determined. America is letting our perpetrator rest up and sun himself in his luxurious, top secret laden, gaudy, home. We are letting our perpetrator sue us for justice. What other country in the world would let that happen?
But that is who we are. And that is why America is Great--part 8.
It is time, however, to employ justice the American way. It's time to indict Donald J. Trump. It's time to go to trial. It's time. America has been more than fair to Donald Trump over the years. Now it is time to hold him accountable for his misdeeds. And when that day comes, America will be even Greater still.
America will be even greater once Trump is in jail.
He should be there now. If he had done this in the United Kingdom he would already be in the Tower of London. Or we as Americans would want that to be the case for the United Kingdom. Simply put--"el Trump" makes America look bad.