I have decided again that i am going to back off my blogging for a while. I feel satisfied with the way things are going and i am refocusing my thoughts more down the spiritual path right now.
And that brings me to Nature. As most of you know, i have been reading the Bagavad Gita again, and in it sometimes Lord Krishna describes himself (God) as Nature. Mother Nature in a way. The way things work.
Well, that is what i am going to talk about in today's sermon--The Nature of Things and how things work.
I am going to start out with Gravity. If it wasn't for the fact that i knew a little something about Gravity at the age of 21, i would not be writing this blog right.now. So Gravity has always been something that i like to talk about.
In terms of Physics, Gravity is the "Primal Force of Nature". In terms of Physics, there are three other "Forces of Nature", making a total of four Forces o Nature. These are called: (2) the strong nuclear force; (3) the weak nuclear force; and (4) the electro-magnetic force.
Now i am not going to go into detail about each of these forces (that is a bit above my paygrade); however, i do know a little about some of them, starting out with the fact that "The Primal Force of Nature = Gravity = attraction of one thing towards another. Think on that for a moment. The Primal Force of Nature = Attraction.
When you think on that level, you can quickly then shift your thinking to "Love" an a human level. Love is attraction of one thing for another thing. Love is Primal!
Changing the subject just a little bit. Let's talk a little about the electo-magnetic force of nature a bit. Do you know what that does? Because this is the way you get all the electricity in your house. You simply rotate a bunch of magnets around a coil of wire, and voila out comes electrons (known as electricity). When i first was taught this subject in college, i thought it was "pure magic". It made no "intuitive sense to me". Anyhow, who would have ever come up with the thought of rotating a bunch of magnets around a coil of wire.
They also use the electo-magnetic force to crash "protons" together at the speed of fight at places like Fermilab in Illinois, and Cern in Switzerland, so they can learn more about the "quark" like particles that actually make up the proton, plus all the other weird mesons, mosons, who knows what sons, and other things. And that is the "material part" of things--that make up everything we are and what we see. We are bunch of neutrons, protons, electrons, etc.--otherwise we would not have our material bodies.
You might want to think on that too, if you get a chance.
Now here is a "cautious physics breakthrough" that i would like to throw out there for consideration. The goal as i understand it from the Physicists perspective is to look for some equation or some thing that "unites or explains" all four forces of nature at once.
Now it is my contention that Einstein's E = mc2 equation is the same as Newton's Force = ma. They might not look the same, but when look at Force in terms of "Gravity" you will find that it is essentially the same equation. Newton was using "gravity" looking at large objects, but the Force created is equal as the Energy created in Einstein's equation.
I am throwing this out there now, just in case one of you might know a physics type that would give this consideration, because it is my belief that Gravity is the reason the speed of light, c = 183,000 miles/sec.
And if that is the case, then it does mean that one could eventually travel faster than the speed of light. What you would have to do though is this: You would have to get your space vehicle far enough away from the biggest "gravitational force in the area = sun". I don't know how far away that is, but considering the fact that Saturn is a pretty f----- big planet and it is being held into place by gravity and it is a lot further away from the sun than we are, i have a feeling you would have to get pretty far out into space.
However, once you did, and you had a way to "begin accelerating" yourself then your next problem would be "how to slow yourself down".
Moving on. This past week has been beautiful down here in North Carolina and with all the fall colors, the changing nature of nature, i could not help but marvel at how blessed we are to have such a planet to live on--knowing that i, myself, have been blessed as well as anyone. The nature that we get to see with our own eyes should overwhelm us. What do you want to see next?
Then there is the ice cubes melting in my drink while sitting out on my front porch and looking at the nature of things. And it made me think about what in fact was going on with my drink. The "ice cubes" were melting, making the tasty liquid colder, until in the end there were no more ice cubes left. It's what they call in physics, i think "thermodynamics". Not so much different than gravity--the ice cube water molecules blended themselves (like attraction) right into the liquid form.
From the ice cube molecules perspective, they got warmer. From the original liquid molecules perspective they got cooler. The hot and cold met together somewhere in the range of the middle without conflict. And that is a "force of nature", too.
And i think that is about all that i have to say for now.
ps. i just came out with the possibility of traveling faster than the speed of light this morning on my morning walk, so all i am doing at this point is throwing it out there for possible consideration.
ps2. Sorry if i lost you along the way. I don't talk physics all that much. In all honesty, i was a pretty poor student in physics.
Interesting change of pace.