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A Saturday Sermon--Who Is the Observor

Date: Saturday, June 15, 2024 5:26 AM EDT

Because everyone in the world is waiting for the outcome of the November election in the United States, it gives someone like me extra time to write some sermons on the subject of cosmos consciousness, the Jesus mind, the Buddha mind, enlightenment.

Now, if you do not have any idea regarding what i am talking about in the above, there is probably no reason for you to read on. 


Since reaching cosmos consciousness a few months ago, i have been wondering if it is real and if so, then what am i supposed to do with such a treasure.  It's easy to question one's self and one's mind, so the best that one can do when they reach cosmos consciousness is to read how others interpreted then acted upon their cosmos consciousness.  But that is not the purpose of this sermon.  The purpose of this sermon is not about how you act after you achieved cosmos consciousness, but how you get to cosmos consciousness.

As those who have followed me know, cosmos consciousness is something that more and more human beings are achieving at an exponential rate and that it won't be all that long (< 200-years) when the entire population of human beings will have cosmos consciousness--surpassing their current self-conscious perspective or way of looking at the world.

Because i believe most of those who read my posts tend to have a higher level of intelligence, i also assume that most of those who read my posts tend to have a more likely chance of achieving cosmos consciousness (not that there is a correlation between the two)--it's just the way i feel.

So, how do you make the step from self-consciousness to cosmos-consciousness?  That's the question of the day.


You must remember that i had been working on achieving cosmos consciousness for more than 35-years, but only recently achieved it.  But don't let those 35-years turn you away because it should not take 35-fucking-years to achieve it.  You can get it today.  It only requires you to do one thing.

I had been learning and telling myself for 35-years about cosmos consciousness, but rarely did i pay attention to what i was learning and telling myself--i was still partially consumed with my self-consciousness being.  Then things changed after reading "one fucking question" that was proposed to me.  That question was the following:

Who is the observer?


And that one little question, opened the door because it was asking the supreme question of our time.  Is the observer of all the world's activities your internal Soul, the Self, or is the observer of all the world's activities the jim-self who is constrained by his self-consciousness?

And that's all there is to it, depending on who is your observer.  If it is your smaller self, then you are not there.  If it is you larger Self, then you are there.


How can you be sure who the observer is?  After all, it is not like that once you obtain cosmos consciousness that all your self-conscious thoughts and actions go away.  They should, but if doubt ever slips in, then you need to keep practicing.  That's where maybe 35-years of exercise and practicing help, but in no way do i think such an effort is required.

I do not believe meditation is the road to enlightenment and cosmos consciousness.  Meditation does not hurt, but it is not until you learn about the two-different selves (i.e., the self and the Self) that you can move forward.

Most everyone has given at least some thought to a "soul", but very, very few people actually take the time or give thought to his or her Soul.  People know what it is supposed to be at least to some degree, but in relation to their self-conscious wants and needs, the Soul doesn't seem to play a very big role in most people's lives.  And that is what needs to change.

If you do want to achieve enlightenment, cosmos consciousness, the Jesus mind, the Buddha mind--then your internal Soul needs to be the focal point of your consideration, and in the end, you need to believe in your Soul (the Self) and you to make that Self the observer of everything that your body and mind experience--taking the smaller self out of the equation.

Is it easy?  Yes, i think it is.  Try it sometime.  I think you would like it.  The next time you step out your door, look at the world from your Soul's perspective and see if that doesn't start changing your life for the better.  When you can keep that perspective 100% of the time, you are there.

Will you ever backslide?  No, you will never backslide.  No one would ever give up cosmos consciousness for self-consciousness--that is not the direction of evolution.



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