The weather is kind of rainy today so it means a couple of my regular outdoor planned exercises (i.e., walking, swimming, yard work, etc.) will just have to be postponed with the same planned exercises tomorrow (i.e., the old groundhog day thing). Therefore i thought it would be a good time and to catch up on the Baba-tests that i have been saving in my email. In the process, this is what i discovered.
1. The chakra that i need to work on has to do with my abdominal and lung area. Personally, i don't know what to make of that, but it doesn't sound all that good to me.
2. I got an A+ on a very lenient grading system involving past trivia.
3. I did better than expected in a "find the odd picture out" with four similar pictures test, but again i was lucky because when i cannot find the "odd one out" i still make a guess (and i think i got a couple of my guesses wrong). Sometimes when i take one of these type of Baba tests, i get so frustrated that i quit before i get to the end. So today, my score is relatively good.
4. I got a C in a 16-question test to finish the "famous phrase" given the first few words of the "famous phrase", given four options to choose from. Only got 8 out of 16. I am surprised that Baba was kind enough to give me a C.
5. On the personality test, Baba told me that i "go with the flow", which is kind of cool i think. I would hardly say that used to be "not the case".
6. And finallly, i let Baba test me on my spiritual bent. Now this one is good, so i am going to let you see what Baba had to say about my spirituality. I've looked at it, thoughtfully, and i am still trying to dissect its meaning, but since this blog site does occassionally deal with spiritual-like issues, i thought it was good to get a second opinion of my own spirituality. So here is Baba talking:
"From your results, you are either more anchored to the physical than the spiritual, or your spirituality goes in a unique direction we could not detect in this short test.
You are a person with a deep feeling of what is REAL and what is NOT. There are physical laws in this universe you've come to accept as the final reality of things. We live by them and we die by them. There is probably no afterlife, since our brain is who we are, and when it has died, so does everything that makes us ourselves.
For some, this is a terrifying thought, but for others, it is almost comforting. There is an end to all things, and we give our own meaning to our lives. There is more personal control in this world than mystics believe. You hold the power over your life, and death is just a fact of the universe.
Go figure. And that is the end of my testing for the day.
Who is Baba?
Baba is Baba-Mail. It is something Linda found. I get about 4 things a day from Baba-mail--usually a test or two, some jokes, and general information. If you are busy, it is probably something that would just clutter your email, but if you are not busy, the tests generally are pretty good.
You can go into their website and the home page shows you the kind of things it offers. For a senior like me, it provides a way to check your mental acuity.