James Hanshaw - Comments
Private Investor
I am retired apart from managing family investments - mostly equities. I live near Zurich, Switzerland. I keep physically fit by walking and mentally fit with an art hobby and by writing on philosophy, economics and politics as related to cleaning up our polluted planet. My writings are published ...more
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Mixed Signals Suggest Both Boom And Bust
1 year ago

The power of articles on Talk Markets!  

My featured picks both went up nicely imediately after publication.

PWR closed  up 1.23% yesterday.

MTZ up 4.16%

Mixed Signals Suggest Both Boom And Bust
1 year ago

Hello Samantha. They are rare and very beautiful.  Fogbows also go by the names white rainbow, cloudbow or ghost rainbow. They're made much as rainbows are, from the same configuration of sunlight and moisture. Rainbows happen when the raindrops fill the air. You always see a rainbow in the direction opposite the sun. Fogbows are much the same, always opposite the sun. 

Bye. James 

The European Energy Crisis May Be Back Soon
1 year ago

Excellent article that suports my decison to invest in US natgas and LNG companies

Alexandria - A Market Ugly Duckling That Is A Stock Pickers Swan
1 year ago

Readers views can be just as good as those of analysts and it would be useful to us all if you share those here in comments. 

In this article: ARE
Plug Power Has Unplugged Investors
1 year ago

If I did and thus made you an angry old lady I shall try to make amends with my next article so that you will be a happy young lady.

In this article: PLUG
Plug Power Has Unplugged Investors
1 year ago

This article was published last Monday.  By the end of the week Plug closed down 13%!

If I could claim market moving power for causing that I would be somewhat richer! 

In this article: PLUG
Plug Power Has Unplugged Investors
1 year ago

Hello Michele, thank you and the others above for reading and commenting.  I will try to reply to all here. 

As far as the IRA is concerned, that benefits others too and should not anway be needed to enable the company to become profitable. 

Meaningful relationships with governments around the world does not rely on selling at a loss. Elon Musk proves that. 

Amazon and Walmart are trying to improve their ESG ratings. Plug has helped them do that and help them laugh all the way to the bank by selling them hydrogen at a price not only much lower than they can buy it elsewhere but also at much lower than Plug's cost price.

That also raises another important point. I mention in the article the CEO's wrong statements about the high price of natural gas that has, in fact, been low and anyway is not used to make the green hydrogen he claims to be supplying to customers.  Since Plug is not yet producing any, or enough, I believe they have been buying in hydrogen from major makers like Linde and Air Liquide. 

Quite apart from the madness at then selling that onto to Walmart and Amazon at below cost price, there is another very important point. According to my knowledge Linde and Air Liquide make grey/gray and maybe blue hydrogen from nat gas and not green hydrogen.

I have investments in both and they are doing very well for me so Plug should be too. 

If Walmart and Amazon and others have not been told about the type of hydrogen it seems Plug is currently selling to them and believe they are buying green hydrogen - because that is what Plug is supposed to be all about - then Plug could face some legal problems.

I normally write positive articles about companies I am invested in and hope you are right and that I will be able to about Plug one day.  Bye. James 

In this article: PLUG
T’Winners From The Deferred Energy Crisis
1 year ago


T’Winners From The Deferred Energy Crisis
1 year ago

I mentioned in the article that in would buy more Chart before the latest earnings were published on April 28. I am pleased I did and I expect more good times ahead:


T’Winners From The Deferred Energy Crisis
1 year ago

More news comes almost daily to add strength to my article...

"The German administration plans to double its LNG import capacity to better prepare for potential supply disruptions including potential attacks on European gas infrastructure such as offshore pipelines"  

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