Daniel Lacalle | TalkMarkets | Page 13
PhD Economist, Fund Manager
Daniel Lacalle is a PhD in Economy and fund manager. He holds the CIIA financial analyst title, with a post graduate degree in IESE and a master’s degree in economic investigation (UCV).


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Five Reasons For The Weakness Of The Argentine Economy
Argentina has been “printing money for the people” MMT-style for many years. Its wrongly-called “inclusive monetary policy” of the past -print money to finance massive government spending- has driven the country to massive inflation and depression.
Why The Chinese Economic Slowdown May Benefit Canada
An economic slowdown, disinflation and switch to a consumer- and service-based economy in China benefits Canada, as it imports cheaper products and exports added-value ones such as technology.
Can Spain Lead Europe To Greater Economic Freedom?
Under the government of former Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, which was in power from 2011 to 2018, Spain became something of a role model for how a country can implement significant and vitally necessary structural reforms during a financial crisis.
Europe Is Losing The Technology Race. Here Is Why
If we analyze the ranking of the main technological companies (2017), there is not a single European among the top fifteen. The vast majority are North American and Chinese companies.
The New Green Deal Is Just Old White Elephants
What happens when politicians see that their monster stimuli have not delivered? They bring the next rabbit out of a hat.
From Slowdown To Crisis. Liquidity And Low Rates, Wrong Solutions For The Wrong Diagnosis
The recent macroeconomic data of the leading economies point to a widespread slowdown.
Why Argentina Should Take Urgent Measures To Cut Country Risk And How To Do It
Argentina maintains a high country risk - in fact, the second highest in Latin America and the third of the emerging countries if we include Turkey.
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