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Athleisure Remains The Best “Fit” In Fashion Stocks
Bindi Dhaduk 4/7/2017 8:08:19 PM

I think #BEBE is on the right track. By closing their stores and focusing online, they'll be better positioned to compete with #Amazon, cut costs, and increase efficiencies. Time are changing and the brick and morter stores need to evolve. $AMZN $BEBE

Athleisure Remains The Best “Fit” In Fashion Stocks
Kurt Benson 4/7/2017 7:46:10 PM

It is a tough time for department stores. I just don't see how they can compete with #Amazon and others like it. Not to mention, if #Trump can push through his new tax plan, it will kill stores especially, #Walmart and #Target. $AMZN $WMT $TGT

Quiet Life: Interview With Netanel Eyal, CEO & Co-Founder
Linda Willis 3/29/2017 2:32:48 PM

This looks like a cool, innovative product. But tell me @[Netanel Eyal](user:41905), what is to stop companies with a large existing user base, like #Amazon or #Apple from moving in and replicating your accomplishments, by integrating a similar technology into their products? Hat tip to @[Carl Schwartz](user:16874) for pointing this out. $AMZN $AAPL

Can Amazon's Alexa Lie?
Carol Klein 3/27/2017 5:49:11 PM

A rogue programmer at #Amazon or even a #hacker could do the same. A better question is not if you trust Amazon not to lie to you, but do you trust that Amazon's #Echo is completely secure?

We are always reading stories about nanny and baby cams being hacked to watch you in your home. How difficult would it truly be to hack #Alexa and listen in to everything that is said in your home or office? It's very scary. $AMZN

Can Amazon's Alexa Lie?
Joe Black 3/27/2017 5:47:02 PM

Only conspiracy nuts would take the video seriously. But as the author, @[Shelly Palmer](user:4838), stated: it does ask a serious question - can our products lie to us. I think the obvious answer is that they can't/won't on their own do so, but as @[James Goldstein](user:13695) explain below, anything can be programmed to lie. So the question is, do you trust #Amazon? $AMZN.

Can Amazon's Alexa Lie?
Dick Kaplan 3/27/2017 5:44:11 PM

While the video is cute, it certainly should not be taken seriously. #Alexa's reaction is the standard response it has when it doesn't understand the question. But the video spurred #Amazon to program one - now if you ask, it responds "No, I work for Amazon." $AMZN

Can Amazon's Alexa Lie?
James Goldstein 3/27/2017 5:41:55 PM

Anything which can be programmed, can be programmed to lie. #Amazon's #Alexa is no different. $AMZN

Snap Out Of It: GoPro Or Go Home
Doug Morris 3/7/2017 9:10:00 PM

Catchy headline. I think you are right that history will repeat itself here. But what's to stop a company like #Google or #Amazon getting into this space? Maybe even #Facebook?


The Confusing State Of Retail Sales
Craig Richards 3/6/2017 5:24:48 PM

Why isn't $AMZN trading at $950? #Amazon seems to have their hands in everything but they sat the rally out last week.

Amazon's Alexa, The Killer App
Charles Howard 2/21/2017 8:00:59 PM

Lol, yes, I suppose so @[Martin Bliz](user:39134), but perhaps I've at least prevented other future disgruntled #Amazon #Echo customers from destroying Alexa. $AMZN

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