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Amazon's Alexa, The Killer App
Charles Howard 2/19/2017 4:41:58 PM

That's crazy! If he's worried about privacy with #Amazon's #Alexa, just hit the mute button. Or if he's really concerned, sell it on Ebay, don't trash it. With the money he saves, he can get the Amazon Tap which only activates when you press the button. $AMZN

Amazon's Alexa, The Killer App
Martin Bliz 2/19/2017 1:21:59 PM

Thank you for your post, Shelly.

Yeah,- Alexa, is great. #Alexa enables users to interact with devices in a more intuitive way by using their voice. You can play music, answer questions, even set an alarm or timer, etc. Another good thing is the more customers use Alexa, the more she adapts. BUT...what disturbs me is the response of the spokeswomen Rachel Hass".... we don't discuss details about security features, and I wouldn't speculate on hypothetical situations." (when some people asked isn't this device a snitch). There was quite interesting discussion on Customerso last week and one of the members shared that he threw his device from the window after few days of use... $AMZN #Amazon

Companies Scramble to Avoid the "Trump Tweet"
Craig Richards 1/17/2017 2:53:48 PM

Companies know not to get on #Trump's bad side, but it will hopefully be the average American who benefits from this. And while yes, many companies were planning these expansions anyway, pressure from Trump can't hurt to ensure those jobs stay in the US. Plus a little good PR never hurt a company. $WMT $AMZN

Just How Dangerous Is Amazon's Alexa?
Karen Klein 1/4/2017 5:11:25 AM

I agree... anything can be hacked. It is only a matter of time before"always on" devices like #Amazon'ss Echo are targeted as eaves dropping devices. Hackers, corporate espionage, or if the 2016 election is any indication, foreign governments are all likely perpetrators. $AMZN

The Battle of Smartphone Assistants: Siri Vs. Google Assistant
Sensible Cents 12/27/2016 12:11:48 AM

I use #Alexa often. It can't answer nearly as many questions as #Siri, but can have "skills" added, app-like programs to do everything from play games to control your smart home. $AMZN $AAPL

I've never used #GoogleAssist and hadn't realized #Google was getting into this space but could see them being formidable. But I've never had #Cortana successfully answer anything I've ever asked it. All it does is direct me to a web search. No idea what #Microsoft is trying to accomplish with that but I would place them dead last. $GOOGL $MSFT

Amazon Says Prime Video Now Available In Over 200 Countries Around The World
Alexa Graham 12/16/2016 3:59:15 AM

#Amazon is definitely going to give #Netflix a run for its money with this expansion!! $NFLX $AMZN

Amazon Says Prime Video Now Available In Over 200 Countries Around The World
Charles Howard 12/16/2016 3:57:52 AM

Interesting that it seems to be a stand alone service from #Amazon in countries where they don't offer #AmazonPrime. But how much will they charge after the introductory offer expires? I wonder... Either way, it could be some unwanted competition for #NEtflix which has invested heavily in this area. $AMZN $NFLX

Tech May Hold Key To Continued Santa Rally
Alexander Hamilton 12/10/2016 2:44:19 AM

The article is cogent and you are right in suggesting that Tech needs to get involved if the Santa or #Trump rally is to continue! What puzzles me is $AMZN's lack of involvement in the rally, same goes for $FB but they are fighting the currents caused by inaccurate ad metrics and fake news! AAPL is a one product company and lately they can't even produce a decent phone. AMZN, however, has no excuse. A 55% YOY increase in AWS and stupendous sales numbers have not moved the needle. $GOOGL is the only #FANG member that has shown some positive momentum. In the absence of Biotech and Pharma, Tech needs to fill that void or the rally has seen its best days already!

Will Netflix Ever Disappoint Investors?
Carol Klein 12/9/2016 7:00:57 PM

Interesting read but I have to take issue with your comment that "For creating new content, there are no barriers to entry." How can you say that? Creating a quality TV program or movie can take hundreds of millions of dollars. Especially if it involves a cast with star power. #Netflix and #Amazon definitely excel at this. Personally I think #Hulu and #YouTube fall short. $NFLX $AMZN

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