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Bitcoin Value Death Spiral
Duke Peters 11/15/2017 5:37:14 PM

Sure, #bitcoin owners can't necessarily control what happens, but they have a rabid fan base and loyal owners which will make it hard for the value to drop long term. I'f say they are as faithful as $AAPL owner. I think that's what @[WOWCD](user:56252), was referring to.

$BITCOMP #crypocurrencies

The Case for Shorting Apple
Danny Straus 10/17/2017 9:50:26 PM

Innovate is what #Apple does best. They didn't invent the cell phone nor the MP3 player or anything else. They indentify promising products and then make them better. This is what they do and what they will continue to do. Apple isn't going anywhere! Bullish on $AAPL.

The Case for Shorting Apple
Ayelet Wolf 10/17/2017 9:45:23 PM

While I generally love #Apple and its products, I think the fan boys keep $AAPL stock a bit higher than it deserves - that being said, that rabid loyalty can't be discounted and does add value to the company. It means any serious errors will be quickly forgiven and even mediocre products will sell well.

The Case for Shorting Apple
Barry Hochhauser 10/17/2017 9:12:42 PM

It takes guts to say anything negative about #Apple. $AAPL

Here’s Why Apple Should Buy Disney
Carl Schwartz 9/29/2017 12:16:56 AM

Good acquisition target for $AAPL that I hadn't thought of. $DIS

Winner & Losers from Amazon’s Proposed Purchase of Whole Foods
Alexis Renault 6/20/2017 6:42:53 PM

I agree but I wouldn't be surprised if we started seeing #Amazon Kiosks in the corner of every #WholeFoods location. A great way to sell their actual devices, similar to mini #Apple Stores. $AMZN $WFM $AAPL

Quiet Life: Interview With Netanel Eyal, CEO & Co-Founder
Linda Willis 3/29/2017 2:32:48 PM

This looks like a cool, innovative product. But tell me @[Netanel Eyal](user:41905), what is to stop companies with a large existing user base, like #Amazon or #Apple from moving in and replicating your accomplishments, by integrating a similar technology into their products? Hat tip to @[Carl Schwartz](user:16874) for pointing this out. $AMZN $AAPL

What Fitbit Inc (FIT) Could Learn From Restoration Hardware (RH)
Carl Schwartz 3/1/2017 8:39:28 AM

I agree that $FIT could learn from $RH's stock buyback. But just as the dedicated MP3 player became obsolete with the proliferation of smart phones, I believe #Fitbit is in serious trouble as products like the #AppleWatch go mainstream $AAPL.

Why Barclays Downgraded Apple
Jason Stewart 1/24/2017 3:36:51 PM

With regards to #Apple's exposure to China, the current administration could also negatively impact this front via a trade war. Some are understandably skeptical of this actually coming to full fruition but judging by rhetoric and promise, the chance of this happening has increased. I'd imagine we'll be hearing sooner rather than later on this subject as it is a major point of contention for the current administration. $AAPL

Ignore All The Hype Around BlackBerry Ltd Stock
Dick Kaplan 1/4/2017 5:17:43 AM

Personally, I don't see the rationale of #Blackberry getting into the self-driving car market. Especially when companies like #Google and #Apple are aggressively pursuing it, I don't see how Blackberry could pull ahead. $BBRY $GOOGL $AAPL

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