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NeurAxis IPO Sets Stage To Take On Irritable Bowel Syndrome With A Non-Surgical Solution
2 years ago

Sounds like a very promising opportunity.    

In this article: NRXS
Dow, Nasdaq Record Triple-Digit Pops
2 years ago

 I am giving the S&P -20% at least for 2023!

Year Of The Pause
2 years ago

Very true.  If only we all had a crystal ball to let us know when to act.

In this article: MCHI, UGA, XLE
7 Reasons Why SurgePays Is Going To Surge
2 years ago

Only half these reasons are enough for me.  You did some nice research here and uncovered a very attractive opportunity!  Bullish on $SURG.

In this article: SURG
Protalix BioTherapeutics Well Placed To Advance In 2023
2 years ago

Maybe as a p4 trial they could perform a small scale fresh ERT head 2 head? I think that would be super compelling for prescribers! 
I also still have wondered about the once a month dosing protocol. Like every article says "may be able to do that" but what does the data say for the once monthly dosing? Was the drug effective enough? Is there NDA/EMA submissions gunning for a once a month dose protocol in labeling discussions? My guess is not as they wanna stay conservative for initial approval then work towards getting additional labelings down the road for once a month... guess time will tell but if the once a month dosing comes to fruition thats a huge advantage too. 

I'm bullish on $PLX.

In this article: PLX, PFE
SOBRSafe: A Very Favorable Risk/Reward Play
2 years ago

Good read, thanks.

In this article: SOBR
Making A Splash: Small Portfolio Company With Big Potential
2 years ago

Looks like $SBEV is a good bet to weather the current stock storm.

In this article: SBEV
SurgePays Will Surge Ahead As Subscribers Flock To The Company
2 years ago

Wow, how have I not heard of this stock before.  Definitely going to pick some $SURG up.

In this article: SURG
Arqlite: The ESG Startup That Is Revolutionizing Construction Through Recycling
2 years ago

I'll see if I can manage to get in by then. My stock portfolio is down by a ridiculous amount!

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