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Gold Stocks Vs Gold - Choose Gold
10 months ago

Would be nice knowing the reason!...cost os extractions rising too much (?)...depleted mines(?) and director more greedy..(?)..political uncertainty in countries of extractions (?)..I remember a time when you had 5 percent on gold was translated with 10 to 15 on gold mines...

In this article: GLD, HUI
Gold Is Up $300 Since November – So What?!
2 years ago

No, the only decline is made by the gold paper printer. People realize that neither crypto, nor real estate will save them from the complete and disastrous politics if government and central banks.

Gold Is Below $1,700 Again; Will It Repeat Its Fall To $1400?
2 years ago

The vorrection on gold is not always for the same reason.

In 2013, it was a correction because it wrnt too high, and quick.

We got the same level 10 years layer, right?

So the correction is not because of too quick high but the investment mentality of getting away from gold when int. rates go up, right?

What is not yet considered is that inflation is about 3 times int. rates.

Meaning, a bunch of people are just loosing 5 to 7 percent in rider to be on tb or whatever.

Till they will realize that only hard asset  not real estate that will collapse a bit, bank as well, will be the must have asset...

But government DOES not want you to make the move.

They want to sell you tb.

Gold: Fed Shutting Down Its Money Supply Data Is Alarming
3 years ago

The only missing points...

Gold price is rigged and manipulated. Why crypto soars and have no value in fact and gold is just barely moving. Why no real numbers on physical gold and papergold and why allowing printing more than real physical.

Yes gold was a asset against inflation.

With russia getting out of usd and loading gold, gold will be banned from private as a treatous act. Take my words

Gold Price Outlook: Gold Slammed Lower On Record US Jobs Creation
4 years ago

Sorry, but i reply late. Have a look on the people digging holes in zimbabwe in order to find a bit of gold in order to buy bread.! There are some good info on hyperinflation that stuck countries in the past...worth to google. Best regards

In this article: GLD
The Fed’s Inconvenient Truth: Inflation Is “M.I.A.”
4 years ago

I don t deny the article is well explain and detailed. But...even if a part is in a hole, covid change consumer habit from restaurant to cooking..etc. USA has still the brain a bit in the Trump era. I mean inside a wall!

But, factors like climate change on the price of food (I am sure you follow wheat, rice, etc) and the declining usd versus nearly all currencies (imported inflation)...these factors, even if velocity is not part (yet), the reality is different or will be soon. Unless a crash

Why Biden Could Be Good For Gold
4 years ago

Inflation and fed no move is the worst for retirees, old people. This means there is a good chance they will have to work till they die. Ref. Eastern countries.

This inflation you are praising is the selfish ultimate game for the government to save a capitalism system which is not sustainable. Borrowing what the earth can provide us by many month and borrowing over the limit where interest rate could never be raised because of the total of the debt...this is sure a path for large pain and hyperinflation, collapse, and internal tention.

Just look the history.

Asset Price Crash Dead Ahead?
4 years ago

Central banks or i would say gov. rely on inflation in order to "repay" their debt on the long run. Deflation is a failure of the capitalism but printing like they do and the dollar loosing its international appeal will be more likely on inflation side. I don t exclude a huge crash over the bill of morphine injected into the patient..overdose!!!

In this article: GLD, TLT
The Shocking Growth In America's National Deficit
4 years ago

Thanks. This remind of the road taken by usa, europe...will crash either by hyperinflation, currency crash (but all central banks are tight together till a breaking point!), civil unrest (but we were trained with covid to stay still, apart of each other, under twitter/facebook (oops..tiktok) control)...our choice to get out of the train is limited. Once the damages will be unsustainable, our leaders will divert the angerness, bitterness,violence against another nation. Destructive reconstruction.

Why should we always go through this. Huge deficit lead to fiat currency, lead to hyperinflation...and war machine.

We have the deficit, the military spending is on the big rise around the world, participant is knockning on the door.

Thanks Mr Wilds, a pleasure reading you

Global Inflation Watch
4 years ago

Unfortunately, central banks have become the credit card of the kids (politicians) who put the responsabilities of disaster to the voters. As long as politicians are not accountable for their actions, they will not grow up (see the debate Trump Bidden).

As long as central bankcan print oaper gold, there is no insurance that they arenot printing more paper than the gold they have ( see the diif.of Germany to reappatriate a part of their solid gold.

This week was a perfect view of manipulation by central banks feeling, like this article, that hyperinflation is inevitable. So sharp discouragement of buyers, inflate zombie companies like Tulipe Musk with a horde of hypernationflagspeculator of irrealistic economic view. Tesla is not the only car but it is the "tulip" of our time.

Government with higher rate will bankrupt in no time. It is not an option for them. Hyperinflation is the only outcome with a collapse of the politics as we know today. Cash, like physical gold will be banned first as gov. cannot see who has what snd what they do with it. We enter totalitarian governments lead by corporates. The value of individual is reduce to numbers. No more, no less.

Lets go back to small villages nearly in autarcy where everybody help each other. This will survive.

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