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Entreprenuer, Supply Chain & Logistics Consultant
Supply Chain and Logistics Management executive and Business Consultant with 40 years of international business experience at several world class manufacturing, technology and logistics companies. Executive level experience includes Vice President of Logistics, Vice President of Business ...more

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Death, Economics And Coronavirus
4 years ago

If we look at what "could" happen, no one should get out of bed in the morning.

Death, Economics And Coronavirus
4 years ago

C-19 did not destroy NYC. Two politicians did. The mayor and the governor! Thank you Marxists!

Death, Economics And Coronavirus
4 years ago

Look at the numbers. The numbers don't lie. See the link below. If lockdowns worked, the death rate in Sweden would be much higher than the average. They're not!!!


Death, Economics And Coronavirus
4 years ago

Simple question: Why are so many people, of all ages, asymptomatic, when this is supposed to be such a deadly virus? It's a fact that younger people are more or less unaffected by C-19. Yes, some children have gotten sick and some have died. However, "experts" say that the flu is more deadly to younger people than C-19 and the facts, so far, bear this out.

Death, Economics And Coronavirus
4 years ago

Explain why the C-19 death rate per million in Sweden, which did not lock down, is lower than the UK, Spain, Italy and Belgium, and about the same as the USA, all of which locked down? Mayors and governors around the USA and the federal governments of these other countries, stripped the citizens of their civil rights and jobs, to no benefit! People have become lemmings! And, here in the USA, the insanity continues. Thank God that Biden will never be elected, because he said he'd lockdown the entire country, if elected. It seems no one in power can see the truth, which is, lockdowns do damage, not good. People die! It's part of humanity. 56 million people die every year, worldwide. Approximately 3 million Americans die every year. How many more will die this year and next year because of the lockdowns? They don't work!!! By the way, this year is probably the worst in many years for many countries, not just Sweden.

To Wear Or Not To Wear: That’s The Question With These Stupid Covid Masks
4 years ago

At 5 million deaths, C-19 will equal 10% of all deaths, which is still only half of those who die every year from cancer.

To Wear Or Not To Wear: That’s The Question With These Stupid Covid Masks
4 years ago

At double the number of deaths, that's only 2/100 of 1 percent! That's 1.4 million versus the 56 million that die every year, year after year, that no one gives a second thought about. PUT THIS INTO PERSPECTIVE! It's way overhyped!!!

Blockbuster SAR-CoV2 Disrupters Pre-ICU / Admitted ICU Patient Treatments & COVID-19 T-Cell Vaccine Horizon
4 years ago

"Significant" is subjective. Put this into perspective! Only 9/1,000 of 1 percent of the world population "may" have died from C-19. We will never know the true number because we cannot trust the numbers reported by politicians, or bureaucratic scientists and doctors. Death is inevitable and when you consider that, according to the most "trustworthy" government agency, the CDC, 80% of those who "may" have died from C-19 were over 65 years old and the UN, another "trustworthy" entity, which says that those over 80 years old are 5 times more likely to die, it's not as "significant" as you may think. On the other hand, the flu, for which a vaccine exists, kills people of all ages, even health young people. Again, put things into perspective so you can see the bigger picture.

In this article: CAPR, ATHX
Changing The Way We Fight Covid-19
4 years ago

Yes, I've been right all along, Thanks. Joseph Cox, you can clearly see that no single country has been hit hard or faired poorly, if you open your eyes and look at the numbers. So, one more time. The worldwide death rate is currently 8/1,000ths of 1% or 640K. Which is approximately the same number of people who die from the flu, every year, year after year. But, the cost of the lockdowns around the world will not be fully measurable for months or years to come. Millions will die because of the lockdowns and/or live in poverty, because of the foolish actions of politicians around the country and around the world. If 10 times more people die from C-19 before this is over, it will still be less than 1/10th of 1 percent of the world population. No one can prove that the lockdowns did anything to reduce deaths. The lockdowns are Insanity!!!

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