Dick Kaplan - Comments

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Ray Dalio Is Kinda, Sorta, Really Wrong
5 years ago

This is simply the "Trickle Down" theory as opposed to the "Trickle Up" theory. However, I agree that the Trickle Down theory is wrong. It's been shown time and time again that when individuals are given a tax refund, they will quickly go out and spend it, which helps to give the economy a boost. But when company are given a tax break, more time than not they'll simply horde the money or executives get large bonuses in the million. It is rarely used to hire more people, or give raises.

Yes when the economy takes a downturn, they are quick to give pay cuts, reduce benefits, cut hours or fire employees all together. This leaves the remaining employees to pick up the slack with no salary increase. Americans are horribly overworked and underpaid.

Nxt-ID Gets A New Lease On Life
5 years ago

Very thorough analysis on $NXTD, a stock that gets little to no coverage. I'm impressed.

In this article: NXTD
Getting Back On Track After A Trading Loss
5 years ago

Yes, don't invest too much and certainly not in a single stock. Diversify, diversify, diversify.

Very Clever, Those Chinese Folks
5 years ago

While that's true Craig, that's when the tariffs are one-sided. In a #tradewar, China reciprocates with tariffs of it's own. Meaning higher prices for Americans who buy Chinese products (which is almost everything) and for Chinese citizens, they'll buy more of their own products (good for them) and fewer of our products (bad for us).

Weighing The Week Ahead: What Determines The Agenda For Investment News?
5 years ago

Always a pleasure to read this every week.

In this article: JWN, MMM, THD, ATRA, DFS
Finally A Real Cancer Diagnosis Breakthrough?
5 years ago

This is very impressive news about $TOMDF. In fact it almost sounds TOO good to be true. A better, cheaper test that save more lives? Are there any downsides? Is it just as accurate as existing tests?

In this article: TOMDF, AMBS
Yeti Could Get Chilled By Lockup Expiration
5 years ago

It will take many days to unload all the shares that they have based on the average daily volume.

In this article: YETI
Ebay Sues Amazon Claiming Illegal And Unethical Activity
5 years ago

Lawsuits take years to play out. It will probably be a while before we hear anything.

In this article: AMZN, EBAY
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