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SP 500 Forecast: Plunges After Consumer Price Index Surprise
1 year ago

The Markets recovered quiet a bit already.

The Best-Performing U.S. IPOs Of 2023
1 year ago

Yes, but the other mentioned were quite good.

In this article: GPCR, RYZB, ZJYL
Is RFK, Jr. A "Flash-In-The-Pan" Or A "Giant Killer"?
1 year ago

You didn't actually say anything at all about RFK Jr.  But I would say flash in the pan.

Tesla’s Cobalt Blues; Growth Fallacies And Supply Chain Risque Majeure
1 year ago

I think it's clear to all that #Musk isn't the brilliant strategist wethoughthewas.Look at all the wrong moves he's made with Twitter.

In this article: TSLA
Protalix BioTherapeutics Well Placed To Advance In 2023
2 years ago

Very thorough and impressive as always, thanks.

In this article: PLX, PFE
5 Solid Dividend Growth Stocks For Q4
2 years ago

$MCK pays a.58% dividend.  How is that a prime dividend stock?  Can you please explain?

There Is Nothing Progressive About A Democrat
2 years ago

But it seems that your arguments on the assumption that Trump can do no wrong?  Allegations were made, why jump to conclusions? Let the investigation play out. If Trump is actually innocent, he has nothing to fear - this will only boost his chances.  But if he is guilty, shouldn't he face the repurcussions? Or do we give Trump a pass simply because he is Trump?

There is no harm in allowing an investigation. The results will be known long before the 2024 election. It's not like 2016 where they opened a case against Hillary 11 days before the vote, ruining her chances.

Why was it right to investigate Hillary, but not Trump for the same crimes? That's just hypocritical.

There Is Nothing Progressive About A Democrat
2 years ago

FBI Director Wray was appointed by Trump and Trump personally vouched for him saying he wsa a man of "impeccable credentials." So either Trump is not qualified to make such appointments, or Wray actually is doing his job in investigating allegations.

Which is more likely, that the entire FBI.  DOJ, and Attorney General are all corrupt, at every level?  Or that perhaps, Trump, who was notoriously recklass with classified intel (his aides testified that used to have peole follow Trump arround with boxes to collect the classifed docs he would carelessly leave lying around), screwed up and took docs he wasn't supposed to.

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