Bruce Powers - Comments

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Bitcoin’s Chart Likely Signals “Last Chance To Get In”
5 years ago

@[Carol W](user:7533), I suspect you would like James Altucher's recent article about this:

In this article: BITCOMP
Will Powell Cut Interest Rates, Triggering Gold Rally?
5 years ago

No way. It’s all priced in.

In this article: GLD
Ignore The Gold COT’s
5 years ago

It's good advice to ignore the COTs.

In this video: GLD, GDX
Four Signs Trump Could Ignite A Cold War With China
5 years ago

Yes, we're getting close to just that.

Dick's Sporting Goods: A Value Story
5 years ago

Yes, I agree 100%. It's like how Starbucks spent a lot of money to change the atmosphere of going for a cup of coffee. Sure cushy chairs and sofas took up a lot of space, but business exploded. Same concept.

In this article: DKS, FL
Meng's Arrest Vs. The Rule Of Law
5 years ago

Yes, I just saw that today too.

In this article: QQQ, AAPL, AMZN
Netflix Whisper Number Showing Confidence
5 years ago

You don't think #Disney's new streaming service will negatively affect the Outlook on #Netflix? $DIS $NFLX

In this article: NFLX
Bond Yields Tumble As US Manufacturing Output Slumps To Weakest Since July
5 years ago

The answer to that depends on whether the person asking the question is a Democrat or Republican :)

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