Regardless of how much federal employees make on average, it's still tough going without a paycheck and not knowing how long that will be the case. While the media may be overplaying the sympathy card, seems like you are trying too hard to ignore the realities yourself.
Not quite fair to say the US walked out on the treaty. There was a lot of evidence showing that Iran was violating the agreement. I don't agree with Trump about almost anything, except when he says we are suckers to honor our end of an agreement when the other side doesn't honor theirs.
Ewww! I can't imagine what must have happened in the pool to have warranted them putting up such a sign. In all my years I've never seen a sign like that at a hotel pool.
Latest Comments
Furloughed Federal Employees Are Still Paid More Than You
Regardless of how much federal employees make on average, it's still tough going without a paycheck and not knowing how long that will be the case. While the media may be overplaying the sympathy card, seems like you are trying too hard to ignore the realities yourself.
No, Mr. President, There Isn’t A Santa Claus
Wait a minute... Santa isn't real??
A Major Technical Breakdown Just Occurred In Stocks
A good thought.
Everyone Hates Bitcoin, I Hate Bitcoin, So I Bought Some
Yes, criminals in particular!
Meng's Arrest Vs. The Rule Of Law
Not quite fair to say the US walked out on the treaty. There was a lot of evidence showing that Iran was violating the agreement. I don't agree with Trump about almost anything, except when he says we are suckers to honor our end of an agreement when the other side doesn't honor theirs.
Meng's Arrest Vs. The Rule Of Law
Never a good idea to comment on an article when your own words show how little you know about the subject!
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China’s (Not) Safe
Great Moments In Product Design
Ewww! I can't imagine what must have happened in the pool to have warranted them putting up such a sign. In all my years I've never seen a sign like that at a hotel pool.
Net Censorship On The Rise
That would be MySpace my dear :)