This is excellent work. Your articles are thoroughly researched, well cited, and are overall well done. I am even more impressed due to your young age. Many veteran authors with more experience could learn a lot from you.
Good article which highlights one of the problems with #fakenews - they don't really care if they get outed or not. As long as it generates pageviews, that's all they wanted.
Regardless of how much federal employees make on average, it's still tough going without a paycheck and not knowing how long that will be the case. While the media may be overplaying the sympathy card, seems like you are trying too hard to ignore the realities yourself.
Latest Comments
Tech Can Help You Learn To Cook?
I admit... the headline made me stop to read this. Cooking has come a long way! Tech has really changed every aspect of our lives.
Daily Stock Pick: GEO Group
Not one of your better picks. $GEO went down.
The Mueller Witch Hunt Is Over
Some of us believe Trump is guilty.
The Real Cost Of The College Admissions Scandal
Well said.
Microsoft: Reaching For Infinity And Beyond
This is excellent work. Your articles are thoroughly researched, well cited, and are overall well done. I am even more impressed due to your young age. Many veteran authors with more experience could learn a lot from you.
Five Power And Pollution Disrupters
Unfortunately, our current administration cares little for the environment.
Individual Retirement Accounts - Why Starting Young Makes A Difference
Too late for me :(
The News About Fake News Is Fake
Good article which highlights one of the problems with #fakenews - they don't really care if they get outed or not. As long as it generates pageviews, that's all they wanted.
The U.S. Economy Is On A Sugar High
When will we see more by you? I'm starting to go into withdrawal!
Furloughed Federal Employees Are Still Paid More Than You
Regardless of how much federal employees make on average, it's still tough going without a paycheck and not knowing how long that will be the case. While the media may be overplaying the sympathy card, seems like you are trying too hard to ignore the realities yourself.