TalkMarkets Comments | #fakenews - Page 1


Twitter Incurs Republicans' Wrath
Texan Hunter 10/20/2020 10:14:04 PM

Russian collusion is #fakenews. Crazy conspiracy nonsense. The fact that the FBI is investigating Russia instead of the Biden family only proves that the are partisan and trying to bring down Trump.

Making Sense Of The Chaos
Danny Straus 6/5/2020 12:01:30 PM

@[Dick Kaplan](user:7622), really? No way. Sounds like #fakenews to me.

The News About Fake News Is Fake
Angry Old Lady 1/20/2019 6:00:46 AM

Good article which highlights one of the problems with #fakenews - they don't really care if they get outed or not. As long as it generates pageviews, that's all they wanted.

Zuckerberg: 'We Didn't Do Enough To Prevent Tools From Being Used For Harm'
Mike Faragut 4/30/2018 2:18:48 PM

Apparently those damn media will only pick partly what $MarkZuckerberg says. Fake media all around now a days. No facts. #fakenews

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