William K. - Comments

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The Fed’s Interest Rate Outlook For 2019 Is Slightly Less Aggressive
6 years ago

How about if that bunch of greedy guys raise the interest rate enough to reduce inflation to less than 1% per year??

Markets: Stupid Decisions
6 years ago

I have never thought of the central bank or the central bankers, as fixers or as the basis of confidence in the government or the economy. They have always been a bunch of rich men determined to get more at the expense of the rest of us. Worse yet, they lack integrity while they speak so well about how they are saving us from disaster. Shades of "Boss Hogg" but far more sophisticated and much more corrupt.

Federal Reserve - Conspiracy Or Not?
6 years ago

This is a very disturbing revelation that should have been given to us way back in high school.

And I agree that inflation is not what society needs, but rather the situation that the top 5% WANT. Inflation is way too much like cancer, the fatal form of uncontrolled growth in humans and other living things. Perhaps inflation could be stopped, although it makes more sense to just start slowing it down to perhaps a maximum of 1% per year.

Marathon Petroleum Can Offer Double-Digit Annual Returns From Here
6 years ago

Very interesting, even if I did not understand quite all of it. So probably this is a very good time to buy Marathon.

In this article: MPC
Key Charts To Watch As Crude Oil’s Bust Continues
6 years ago

What sort of fool runs on borrowed money, even at zero interest, when that money must be paid back eventually? With no promise of great profits, or any profit, why keep risking the future??

In this article: BNO, HYG, OIL
Is Albemarle A Bargain After Its 30% Plunge This Year?
6 years ago

Quite educational. Some companies know exactly where to be, it seems.

In this article: ALB
Fiat's Inherent Weakness Is A Plus In Paying Off Mortgages
6 years ago

Those benefits of delaying paying off debt depend greatly on the cost of that debt. If the cost equals the inflation devaluation then it is a zero-sum game, if the cost is greater than the inflation devaluation then it is a net loss to not pay off the debt. So the correct answer is "It Depends."

Trump Blinked, The Fed Blinked And The Powell Put
6 years ago

We really need for Asia to prosper, so that they will be far to busy making profit to think about making war, which is the path taken by the desperate. Too busy to fight is a much better condition.

In this article: DIA
Trump Blinked, The Fed Blinked And The Powell Put
6 years ago


In this article: DIA
Trump Blinked, The Fed Blinked And The Powell Put
6 years ago

Perhaps we are like that unknown in Poe's "The Raven", " Who unmerciful disaster followed fast and followed faster", and with the fed making the wrong moves, and so much tied up in derivatives of questionable stability, things may come tumbling down. And then, hopefully, recover. I have just finally recovered mostly from the 2008 demolition party, and so I do not like real-estate derivatives.

In this article: DIA
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