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Market Briefing For Thursday, Dec. 10
4 years ago

If there is something worthwhile to convey, PLEASE put in a text format instead of a talky video! Informative presentations deliver far more value when they can be consumed at the rate that they can be followed.

For those without an attention span great enough to read a whole article, too bad for them! They can do without the good information, and perhaps natural selection will thin the herd a bit.

And the general level of turbulence will continue to affect the markets, as exesss emotions have done for many years. Just a bit more now than before.

Big Down Day For Gold And Silver, More To Come?
4 years ago

Gold and silver pricing appears to have an emotional component in the drive mechanism and so pricing will be variable. As optimism rises the seeking of stable bases will tend to decline. While this is certainly reasonable it is not as predictable as some would find profitable.

Cannabis Central: All 25 Pure-Play Pot Stock Constituents Are Down So Far This Week
4 years ago

It happens that a given sector will experience swings in pricing as the constituate members business rises and falls. That seems to be the nature of non-diversified portfolios, and thus it is to be expected. Thus those not intending toward long term investments,or just less optimistic, should invest elsewhere.

It Will All End In Tears
4 years ago

What the USA needs now is a candidate with both brains and integrity. My suggestion is to have another ballot choice declaring "No Confidence, NONE of the above!" That is because those who are both really smart and very honest are seldom found in politics. And even those who would be OK would probably not pass the media microscope test. So the stock market is still looking sort of good, but the emotional drivers are still unstable and what happens next is not obvious.

My prediction is that all of the stimulus money will ultimately lead to inflation that benefits only a few.

Net Present Value Bargains
4 years ago

In my city there is no shortage of new VERY LARGE and expensive housing. Developers are buying smaller homes, demolishing them, and building much larger homes that fill the lot, violating the lot-fill rules of 15 years ago. The building is going at a maniac pace here. I am not at all sure who can afford these houses, other than to say it is certainly not folks just starting out. And any lack of supply, either perceived or actual, is really a lack of looking on the next block.

UNFORTUNATELY the low interest rates are allowing developers to remove all of the affordable housing and putting up McMonster Mansions. Another form of speculation, really.

In this article: DHI, LEN
Tesla Surges 7% To Pass $600bn Market Cap Marker
4 years ago

Uber was smart to sell! Computer driven cars will ultimately be a non-starter because of the software quality problem that can not be solved economically. Sorry to break that news, but the weekly updates of patches and repairs that we are used to will not be "OK" for motor vehicles. Each update would be the equivalent of a recall episode. So just think about your car having weekly safety recalls.

All Fun And Games Till Momentum Runs Dry
4 years ago

I would very much have appreciated a text presentation since the amount of useful information is too much to absorb adequately as it passes by in a fast moving speech. Good information needs to be presented in a format that allows for better absorbing of it.

Mega Nasdaq Bubble
4 years ago

The authors listing of data backs up my claims that much of what drives the market is an assortment of emotions. Thus the comparisons to bubbles and froth seem quite valid. Neither bubbles nor froth, nor even shifting sand would serve as an adequate foundation for very much.

The large covid-19 spike in California is unfortunate but should have been predictable. That is a state that often defies reason in it's actions and policies. The poor choices over many years that created the huge amounts of fuel for all of the terrible fires are one example that is completely obvious to any wildland firefighter. And an extended track record of poor choices certainly explains the continuation of making poor choices..

The Poison Chalice Of Low Interest Rates
4 years ago

Certainly the very low interest rate paid on savings smells like the setup for some really nasty happenings in the future, when folks have been convinced to not save anything. At some point those missing savings wil be very sorely needed and the only alternative will be to sell whatever the buyer wants to buy, at whatever price is offered. Thus freedom will be sold to purchase enslavement. Not really a nice picture.

Death Of An Inter-Market Correlation
4 years ago

There wasan interesting discussion a while back about how tree branches waving around caused the wind to blow, Some sages pointed out that the correlation was perfect, the more the branches waved the stronger the wind was blowing.The discussion ended when a sailor spoke up and explained that there were no trees out in the ocean and yet some times the winds were very strong.

The ability to discern which is cause and which is effect is not uniformly distributed among humanity, it appears. And the lack of a correct answer often has serious results

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