Video content of Peter Schiff | TalkMarkets
CEO and Chief Global Strategist
Phone: 1-800-727-7922
Peter Schiff is the CEO and Chief Global Strategist of Euro Pacific Capital, an SEC-Registered Investment Adviser and a full service broker/dealer. He is also Chairman of SchiffGold, his precious metals dealer, more


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Shocking Admission & Denial From Alan Greenspan
Admission & Denial from Alan Greenspan. (Video Length: 00:22:23)
Stocks Are In A Bubble And The Fed Knows It
Peter Schiff appeared on RT to discuss Janet Yellen’s testimony, the Federal Reserve’s schedule for raising interest rates, the direction of the US economy, and stock buy backs that indicate a bubble in the stock market. (Video length 00:27:58)
Central Banks Are Fully Committed To Radical Intervention
Grant believes it won’t be long before the world wakes up to the realities of this manipulation and returns to gold as a safe-haven investment. (Video length 00:07:27)
Look For Gold-Backed Currencies In Next 10 Years
Eric Sprott, the well-known billionaire asset manager, believes that investors need to buy gold and silver to protect themselves from the increasingly volatile currency markets.
The Unseen Consequences Of Wal-Mart’s Wage Hike
The wage increase will cost Wal-Mart about $1 billion this year. Who knows if Wal-Mart will pass along the cost of higher wages to its customers by raising prices?
Gold Videocast: America’s New "Job-Sharing" Economy
Peter Schiff explains that America isn't creating more jobs, it's just hiring more people to do the same amount of work. Welcome to the new job-sharing economy. (Video length 00:07:29)
Faber: I Buy Gold Every Month To Protect Against Central Bank Manipulation
RT asked Marc Faber why he invests in physical gold. Faber emphasized that nobody should put all of their assets into physical precious metals.
The US Needs The Next Crash Sooner Than Later
Greg Hunter spoke with Peter Schiff this week. They discussed the intricate problems of Europe and Greece, the phony economic recovery in the United States, and how investors can protect themselves when wars break out.
The Perils Of A Parasite Economy
John Stossel and Peter Schiff discussed why the bailout of the big banks during the 2008 financial crisis simply laid the groundwork for a more severe economic calamity. (Video Length: 00:05:14)
Ep 52: I'm Living In An Economic Twilight Zone
The Peter Schiff Show Podcast - Episode 52
Gallup CEO Backpedals: Government Jobs Data Is 'Very, Very Accurate'
Jim Clinton of Gallup discusses the unemployment rate and U.S. job outlook on CNBC. He still thinks the numbers are misleading, just not intentionally so.
Faber: 2015 Is The Year To Short Central Banks (Video)
Mark Faber thinks 2015 may be the year that investors wake up to the scam that is central banking. The only way to bet against the central banks is to buy gold. aber explains his philosophy in this interview with Barron’s.
United States GDP Growth Is Only Going To Get Worse
Peter Schiff explains the sharply lower GDP growth in the fourth quarter of 2014 and shares his predictions for 2015. (Video length 00:22:25)
GDP Growth Slows Sharply In 4th Quarter; 2015 To Be Worse
How are we going to do better this year without QE and a potential interest rate hike mid-year?
Economic Weakness Will Trigger Canadian Gold Rush
I think the profits are going to drive the gold rush. I think it’s going to happen this year. I don’t just think gold prices are going to go up in Canadian dollars.
Chinese Yuan Becomes One Of Top 5 Global Currencies
The Chinese yuan became one of the top five payment currencies in the world in November, according to the latest data from SWIFT, one of the largest international interbank transaction companies. (Video length 00:24:28)
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