Video content of Peter Schiff | TalkMarkets
CEO and Chief Global Strategist
Phone: 1-800-727-7922
Peter Schiff is the CEO and Chief Global Strategist of Euro Pacific Capital, an SEC-Registered Investment Adviser and a full service broker/dealer. He is also Chairman of SchiffGold, his precious metals dealer, more


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Economic Cheerleading: The Latest Excuses From The Fed
Peter Schiff shares his thoughts on the Federal Reserve’s meeting that concluded yesterday. He also takes a look at the official first quarter GDP figure, explaining the misleading data behind it. (Video length 00:21:41)
2015 Silver Forecast: One Of The Best Long-Term Opportunities
Unlike many investors, Whitefoot expects silver prices to rally, catching markets by surprise. (Video length 00:03:29)
Jim Cramer: Gold Is Your Insurance Policy
You wouldn’t own a house or a car without the proper insurance. So why would you have a portfolio of investments without insurance?
The Economic Politics Of The Yuan-Dollar Peg
Jim Rickards, an expert on geoeconomics, believes the yuan’s inclusion in the SDR is inevitable and will go into effect at the beginning of 2016.
Druckenmiller: Fed Policy Is Extremely Short-Sighted
Druckenmiller is just the latest of well-respected contrarian investors warning the markets that we can't rely on academic economists to safely manage global economies through central banking.
The US Economy Needs To Rebuild From The Ground Up
Peter Schiff spoke with Graham Ledger about why the United States economy will only truly recover when the Federal Reserve completely abandons quantitative easing and zero-percent interest rates. (Video length 00:06:22)
Gold Will Return As Money In Next Generation
In his keynote address to the Mines and Money Hong Kong conference, Doug Casey shared his predictions for the future of the world economy and the mining industry.
A Dollar Crisis Is Inevitable, But Unpredictable
Ron Paul appeared on CNBC to warn that a US dollar currency crisis is inevitable.
Greece And The Euro Breakup; Why The US Dollar Is Facing An Even Bigger Crisis
One proposed solution to Greece’s European debt problem is for the Mediterranean country to abandon the euro and resurrect its old currency, the drachma. (Video length 00:09:14)
Don’t Expect A Rate Hike, Because The Fed Is Clueless
Marc Faber told Kitco News the same thing Peter Schiff has been warning — the United States economy is too weak for the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates in June. (Video Length: 00:07:43)
The Fed Has Promised Too Much And Can Only Deliver Bubbles
Roach explains that Ben Bernanke has blatantly admitted that the Fed’s goal is to stimulate the economy by growing asset bubbles.(Video length 00:05:12)
Gold Is Once Again Outperforming Stocks
Markets around the world are going to show a renewed interest in gold as their currencies continue to lose value.
Job Growth Fades As Excuses Wear Thin
Despite all of the bad economic news that is being continuing to pour in, there is one exception - the Nonfarm Payroll numbers, at least superficially.
Former Fed Governor: Central Bankers Need Humility
Former Federal Reserve Governor Kevin Warsh told CNBC’s “Squawk Box” that the Fed’s wishy-washy language and behavior has been spoiling the financial markets.
Gold Is A Window To The World
Rising demand for gold in Asia is just the latest reason to want it in your portfolio. (Video length 00:05:09)
The Fed Has Become Far Too Powerful
Jim Grant told Fox Business that the Federal Reserve has kept itself in emergency mode for too long, with interest rates near zero for almost 7 years. (Video length 00:04:41)
401 to 416 of 513 Posts
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