Video content of Peter Schiff | TalkMarkets
CEO and Chief Global Strategist
Phone: 1-800-727-7922
Peter Schiff is the CEO and Chief Global Strategist of Euro Pacific Capital, an SEC-Registered Investment Adviser and a full service broker/dealer. He is also Chairman of SchiffGold, his precious metals dealer, more


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The Economy Needs A Recession
Tamny argues that the US needs to experience a painful, but necessary recession sooner than later to truly heal its economy. (Video length 00:45:51)
China Is Working To Make The US Obsolete
The Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) represents enormous investment potential by creating an Asian market enveloping more than half the world’s population. (Video length 00:39:51)
An Economic Wake-Up Call To A Deaf Congress
Laurence Kotlikoff, Professor of Economics at Boston University talked about social security and financial collapse. (Video Length: 00:33:44)
Peter Schiff: Fed Has Been "Bluffing," No Rate Hike In 2015
Appearing on Yahoo! Finance, Peter Schiff underscored that the Federal Reserve has been bluffing about raising interest rates.
Fed Fears Bursting Bubble "Too Big To Pop"
This bubble is too big to pop. (Video length 00:04:30)
Peter Schiff Debates Monetary Policy And Bailing On The Dollar
Peter Schiff appeared on a panel discussion on Canada’s Business News Network to address the idea that removing the word means the Fed intends to raise rates
The Fed Is Duty-Bound To QE
Peter Schiff is one of the only voices warning that the Federal Reserve is going to start a new round of quantitative easing instead of raising rates.
Losing "Patience" Does Not Mean The Fed Has Lost Patience
Earlier today the Fed concluded its 2-day policy meeting and released its official statement and everyone's attention was on whether or not they would remove the word "patience" from this statement. Video length 00:22:45.
A Fed Rate Hike Is Fantasy; Prepare For QE4
Peter Schiff: The Fed can’t raise rates without pushing the United States economy into recession.
Sound & Unsound Money: Gold Vs. Dollars
When people began to trade many centuries ago, they had problems. The main problem was that they couldn’t find someone who would want what they had, even though they themselves, the person doing the trading, would like to have what the other person had. (Video length 00:35:29)
Markets, Rate Hikes, And Student Loans
That was quick the Nasdaq 5000 party ended pretty much the day it began. (Video length 00:17:18)
Marc Faber: Prepare For A Gold-Backed Chinese Currency
Renowned contrarian investor Marc Faber predicted in an interview with GoldSeek Radio that China will eventually switch to a gold-backed currency. He bases this on the widespread understanding that China has larger gold reserves than is officially reported.
Greenspan: Poor Productivity Means Economy Is In Trouble
Just last week, Alan Greenspan appeared on CNBC saying in no uncertain terms that the United States economy is “not strong.” This morning he returned to the news to explain why the US has a major productivity problem.
Peter Schiff On Renouncing US Citizenship – Gold Videocast
When it comes to protecting the future purchasing power of your savings, the best asset to own is one that the Federal Reserve can’t print – gold and silver.
Nasdaq 5000: Bubble Or Not?
Schiff : We are in a tech bubble now. (Video length 00:12:43)
Gold Is And Will Always Be A Safe-Haven Asset
Jessica Fung, Commodities Analyst for BMO Nesbitt Burns, explained her firm’s belief that gold has always been and will always be a safe-haven investment.
417 to 432 of 513 Posts
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