Kyla Scanlon Blog | Why We Don't Trust Each Other Anymore | TalkMarkets
CAP Associate at Capital Group
Contributor's Links: Kylas Scanlon's Substack
Majored in Finance, Economics, and Data Analytics with 5+ years experience in options trading. Focus on fundamentals, with special interest in equity valuations and macroeconomic analysis.

Why We Don't Trust Each Other Anymore

Date: Sunday, February 25, 2024 3:02 PM EDT

Video Length: 00:32:36


We are saying everything, but also saying nothing at all. How do we fix that? Words are a way to confer meaning that often gets separated from the concept the word represents until we are just sort of talking at each other about things like “rizz” and “Price-to-Earnings Ratio”. Language is failing us. Narratives are collapsing, stagnating, insert-scary-adverb-adjective-here. I’ve written before on the limits of language, but in this piece I want to discuss the forces of education, media, and the nostalgia cycle loop, focusing specifically on the attention economy and how the failure of language has impacted how we understand the economy and each other, ultimately eroding trust, the most expensive commodity in the world right now. This video was coproduced with Public

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