CEO and Co-Founder of MarketGauge
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30+ Years of trading experience; Current money manager, former floor trader, & member of all NY Commodities Exchanges. Co-founded Dataview, LLC, , and MarketVision, along with being the Developer of MarketGauge, HotScans, The Nuggets List and many of the educational courses ...more



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Fight Or Flight Investing
8 years ago

this sounds like a blueprint for disaster.... How does one execute this unless they have a staff of research people or have gone to Columbia to learn value investing and have the ability to sit through major losses.How do you determine when you are wrong?

Did you ever hear that the single best variable is price performance and relative strength to identify the biggest trends and the liquidity cycle.... I would suggest investing ideas to the public that work and one can execute with some risk control

Draghi Out Of Ammo And Under Attack
8 years ago

I just checked and that number is up to 60% for their domestic etf...

Draghi Out Of Ammo And Under Attack
8 years ago

good insight... in Japan the central bank own almost 40 % of their Stock etf' s

Time Versus Price Market Corrections
8 years ago

great article

In this article: DIA
The Super Bull Argument For Gold
8 years ago

Hey John, Great article but the 1979 numbers are off. I should know, I tried selling spot gold as I was Comex member at 850 an ounce and couldn't, that was top tick.... never went higher.....

In this article: ABX, PALL, GDX, GLD, PPLT, SLV
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