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Joseph Cox is the Director of Solve for Success, a small business consulting company.

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1 to 16 of 49 Posts
Dealing With Iran
I find myself flummoxed by the misconceptions of Iran and the government that rules it.
Reaction To Israel's Withdrawal From Gaza – Part II
Israel has the opportunity to establish a model city in North Gaza. If Israel acts to establish such a reality, the allies of freedom should embrace and encourage the project.
Reaction To Israel's Withdrawal From Gaza – Part I
In business there is a fundamental concept called the ‘sunk cost fallacy.’ In war, there is an echo of the same concept.
A Free Palestine Starts In Rafah
What we were doing wasn’t working. It wasn’t working for Israelis or Palestinians. It is time for something better.
A Truly Free Palestine!
Creating the conditions where Gazans can enjoy true freedom will require a complete rebuilding of Gazan society.
Peace In The Midst Of War
I live in Israel and I'm here to explain the actions of our people to those who are willing to listen.
The War To Come
I live in Israel. I am unharmed and my family is unharmed. But we are not okay.
Resilience: Small Business, Putin And The NHS
Economic growth might slow, employees may call in sick or computers may be hacked. Those who are affected have to maintain functionality through the setback.
Seeing Through The Fog Of Inflation
The biggest risk in an inflationary environment is not the loss of the value of money but the loss of the information value of money.
Servers Of The World, Unite
I believe we can, and we should, do better.
Autocracy And Quality: Why The Russian Empire Has No Clothes
In the longer term, the impact of autocracy on quality – particularly of complex systems – may well end up undermining other autocratic geopolitical players.
Ancient Lessons For Modern Planners
One of the earliest documented military engagements between an overwhelming invader and a much smaller, but motivated, resistance was the Greek defense against the Persian invasion.
The Ukrainian Swan
The Black Swan event is the return of an element modern warfare has generally ignored: weather.
Growing Up With An Economist
An exclusive excerpt of my new book, A Multi Colored Coat, only for TalkMarkets.
Bring Back The Curtain
Ukraine's allies are reluctant to trigger a broader war with Russia. So how can they respond aggressively while avoiding escalation? My answer: bring back the Iron Curtain.
Is Money Or Logistics The Origin Of U.S. Inflation?
When it comes to inflation, the generally accepted argument is that it is a result of surging demand and supply chain challenges. But is that right?
1 to 16 of 49 Posts