John Thomas | TalkMarkets | Page 6
Hedge Fund Executive
Contributor's Links: Mad Hedge Fund Trader
John Thomas graduated with a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry with honors and a minor in mathematics from the University of California at Los Angeles (U.C.L.A.) in 1974. He moved to Tokyo, Japan where he was employed by a medium-sized Japanese securities house. Thomas became fluent in ...more

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Is Airbnb Your Next Ten Bagger?
I was not surprised to hear that the home sharing app, Airbnb, was given a $30 billion valuation in the latest venture capital funding round. The big question for you and me is: Will the valuation soar tenfold to $300 billion?
Why Activists Have The Upper Hand
Having been in this market for yonks, ages, and even a coon’s age, I have seen trading strategies come and go. What is the cutting edge management strategy today?
Why Water Is One Of 2016’s Best Sectors
I bet you didn’t know that water infrastructure plays have been one of the top performing stock sectors in 2016. In fact, shares of this little known industry are up more than 25% since the February market bottom.
What’s On Your Plate For This Week?
Finally, stock markets broke out to an all time high last week. After trying and failing for two years traders finally got the print they were begging for with the S&P 500 closing above 2015.
Why U.S. Stocks Could Rise 50% Higher
When things are going to happen, and the market gets a whiff of it, fast forward often kicks in. That seems to be what is happening to my forecast that US stocks would end 2016 on the back of rising earnings and a price earnings multiple expansion.
Investing: Why I Have Become So Boring
When stock markets are in correction (down) or consolidation (sideways) mode, as they have been for the past two years, the higher betas of stocks work against you. They fall faster than the index.
Is The 30-Year Mortgage An Endangered Species?
One of the great anomalies of the American credit markets has always been the existence of the 30-year fixed rate home mortgage. Long the favorite of homeowners, it has financed the majority of US residential property purchases.
What’s On Your Plate For The Week Of July 11th?
Friday’s blockbuster nonfarm payroll report certainly will give markets a positive spin coming out of the gate this week. With flip-flopping, on again, off again statistics like these, traders’ lives have been made as hellacious as ever.
Whatever Happened To The Great Depression Debt?
Today’s investors in government bonds, half of whom are foreigners (principally the Chinese and Japanese) would pay for long-term US capital investments in terms of lost purchasing power.
Janet Yellen’s Dirty Little Secret
It is quite handy knowing the Fed chairman’s dirty little secrets. It has enabled me to become bullish on the Treasury bond market when the rest of my hedge fund brethren were bearish beyond belief.
The Super Bull Argument For Gold
It turns out that gold is the deflationary asset to own. Who knew?
Proof The Stock Market Is Going To New Highs
The Brexit vote is one of the preeminent risk events of my lifetime, overshadowed only by the US departure from the gold standard in 1972, the 1973 oil shock, and the 2008 financial crisis.
What’s In Brexit For You?
Uncertainty is epidemic, and when that happens, business decisions everywhere are put on hold, bringing the economy to a screeching, juddering halt.
The Ten Bagger In Solar Energy
What we are seeing now is nothing less than the complete remaking of the American energy supply. It is a metamorphosis, just as, if not more, dramatic than the initial electrification of the United States launched by Thomas Edison in 1876.
Are Junk Bonds Peaking?
There is no happier corner of the fixed income universe than junk bonds JNK, HYG, which have been soaring like a bat out of hell recently.
My Yearend Stock Market View
I hate to be the bearer of sad tidings guys. But I think the choppy, volatile, trendless, trading conditions we are all suffering right now will continue for a few more weeks. The risk/reward ratio for initiating new positions here is terrible.
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