Harry Dent | TalkMarkets | Page 7
Founder, Dent Research
Contributor's Links: Dent Financial
Harry S. Dent Jr. studied economics in college in the 1970s, receiving his MBA from Harvard Business School, where he was a Baker Scholar and was elected to the Century Club for leadership excellence. Harry grew to find the study of economics vague and inconclusive and became so disillusioned by ...more


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20 Cities Facing The Greatest Real Estate Risk
This is the second and last real estate bubble. It’s as bad as, if not worse than, the first bubble in most areas.
Where To Next For Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is an early indicator for a major surge ahead in blockchain technologies… which are real and should grow dramatically into at least 2036, on an 18-year lag of the early internet bubble into 2000.
Real Estate Storm Warning Upgraded To Severe
Manhattan has seen real estate sales fall 40% since the second quarter of 2017, with prices falling the most on the high-end. New condo listings are down 54% and existing condo listings are down 18%.
The S&P 500 Number To Watch Near Term For Clues
In the last 12 trading days, stocks have been up or down as much as 500 to 700 points on the Dow (something that happened just before the sudden two-week crash in the Dow in 1987!).
Real Estate’s Main Weakness
We have a limited supply in the housing market, which has pushed prices higher. There isn’t a housing shortage. There’s a shortage of affordable housing in desirable areas.
The Real Estate Doomsday Map
Despite what you’re hearing from the mainstream media about real estate today – how it’s booming and can only go up from here –it’s a story we’re going to start hearing again and again in the coming years.
Kooky Real Estate Prices In Leading Global Cities
Prices are slowing or backing off on the high end. Hot markets have gone from $10 million plus to $5 million plus.
Stay Away From This Crypto Bubble (For Now)
The Bitcoin and cryptocurrency trends seem to be following the path the internet took back in the very late 1990s. That bubble came at the end of the tech bubble and expanded by more than 8 times between late 1998 and early 2000. Then it crashed 93%.
Toys R Us Not Just A Retail Casualty
Toys R Us just joined the unenviable list of top retail failures of the past decade: Circuit City, Linens-N-Things, A&P (the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company), Sports Authority, and Radio Shack.
Two New Leading Indicators
In such an artificial bubble, inflated by nothing more than massive QE/money printing and now free-lunch tax cuts, most traditional indicators of a market top aren’t likely to manifest.
Stocks At Critical Point: Testing The Bottom Of Rising Bearish Wedges
Stock futures projected another big down day today for stocks as if losing 1,150 yesterday on the Dow wasn’t enough.
Gold And T-Bond Yields Rising As Expected
Rising growth suggests rising inflation and rising inflation means higher T-bond yields.
The Real Estate Bubble Looks Eerily Like Early 2006
The Confidence Indicator for the National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo is at its highest reading in 18 years… higher than it was in early 2006.
Is Stimulus Responsible For The Recent Improved Trends In The U.S. And Japan?
Central banks have taken over the markets and economy. They’ve put us on an endless stream of crack and stimulus to keep us going. And now nothing else “seems” to matter as much – not even the most fundamental demographic trends in spending.
Bitcoin’s Downside: Know The Risk Before You Plunge In
All bubbles burst with mind-numbing swiftness, so if you’re going to stick with your Bitcoin investment to ride along for any potential future gains, at the very least, make sure you have an exit strategy.
This Thanksgiving Goes To Corporations: Thanks For The Greatest Free Gift In History
Corporations use unprecedented low long-term interest rates – at near zero for risk-free rates adjusted for inflation – to buy their own stocks back and increase their earnings per share, even if their earnings are not growing.
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