GDP is only one give it far too much weight's too much an "interpreted" metric imo..based too much on speculation and politics - always a bad cocktail!
I don't live anywhere near a $WFM- who cares? Their prices, even slashed, are higher than what I pay. TIlapia? Farm raised? Totally toxic stuff from what I read...customers at WFM are mostly clueless gullible millenials with a herd mentality. Long $AMZN.
Latest Comments
A Great Second Quarter Report — But Beware The Context
#Trump I think wants to get rid of #Menuchin btw..latest tweets..
A Great Second Quarter Report — But Beware The Context
GDP is only one give it far too much weight's too much an "interpreted" metric imo..based too much on speculation and politics - always a bad cocktail!
How Good Can It Get?
yep...Q2 is the anomaly...August is a very volatile month, little liquidity will only embroil the mkts further..should be some good buying opps ahead
Agriculture Markets Report - Monday, July 30
I have been tiptoing into this far so good! very few areas in the market are appealing to me..but this is one..
Yield-Curve Apologists
Jamie Dimon is the last word here..flattening yield curve is not an issue.. and sees no recession before 2020 if then..JPM is a genius bank!
10 Overvalued Stocks Of The S&P 500 – July 2018
they're about to get undervalued shortly..stay tuned!
BBQ Chicken: Tyson Foods Plunges Most In 20 Months And You Can Thank Trump’s Tariffs
#Tyson will eventually get over this is not hog wild right now! $TSN
Are Grocery Chains About To Join The Retail-Bankruptcy Bloodbath?
I don't live anywhere near a $WFM- who cares? Their prices, even slashed, are higher than what I pay. TIlapia? Farm raised? Totally toxic stuff from what I read...customers at WFM are mostly clueless gullible millenials with a herd mentality. Long $AMZN.
The Great Artificial Intelligence Bubble And Scam
We are not even close to TRUE AI- the media and markets are using the term incorrectly.
Dow Industrials Topped 20,000 For The First Time Ever
who cares about bottled water? MCD is selling its Big Mac sauce in a bottle! I never had a Big Mac btw but am long MCD. cheers