Carol W - Comments
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Wall Street R.I.P—The Bubble Is Dying At The Zero Bound
9 years ago

You said."As a result, the market value of stocks, bonds and other debts have simply become decoupled from national income." Why just single out income? Could it also be argued that wall street has decoupled from Main Street altogether since it seems to be ignoring at the moment all of your arguments? What do you suggest by the way? you've made a pretty good case of what's wrong here - curious to know what would make you happy. Or at least a bit less contentious. Good article. Cheers Carol

The Breathtaking Volatility Of Individual Stocks
9 years ago

Michael, Take the IYT for example. It's been clobbered lately - well since 2014- If I had been only in it, I would have missed the runup in the airline stocks ( yes I am still up on the group despite the recent (& I might add completely stupid) selloff. I would have missed the run in FLTX, and many more. I own ETF's but I must say, you get what you pay for. They are expensive, and many times they are traps. I don[t agree they are safer investments than individual stocks. First of all, you only get the top ten holdings most times. The rest is a mystery. I want to know exactly what I own! I research stocks every single day. The volatility in the big growth names is as you know because they are so liquid and the HFT's manipulate then as much as any other group. Gone are the days when "you'll never lose your job recommending IBM" They are over. But please don't make a case for an ETF being "safer" than owning MSFT. ETF's are a day trader's playground.They make great trading vehicles dues to their liquidity as you know. They were never meant to be core holdings especially the ones that rebalance daily. Thanks, Carol

In this article: VYM
Adieu To Don And Mad Men And Women We Love
9 years ago

Check out the Museum of Broadcasting sometime. A wealth of info on the early years of TV and how advertisers dominated content.They CREATED the content so they could fill it with their products. Overtly. Much more so than today.

In this article: AMCX
Recent Stock Purchase – May 2015
9 years ago

what do you think of DOC?

In this article: HCN, HCP, VTR
Recent Stock Purchase – May 2015
9 years ago

All solid picks did your homework! cheers Carol

In this article: HCN, HCP, VTR
Charts To Trade: HDP, ISRG, FTNT, BOX, WIX
9 years ago

I bought Hortonworks due to the high interest from the hedgies..picked it instead of LC. FTNT is also a stock I own due more to fundamentals but glad to see its TA rocks. Never liked BOX- Levie reminds me too much of beavis ( or was it butthead?) interest. too profligate with the moolah..reminds me of ( and that's not good!) WIX is now on watch! good catch..thanks my dear..cheers!

In this article: HDP, ISRG, FTNT, BOX, WIX
Adieu To Don And Mad Men And Women We Love
9 years ago

Hey no problem Alexis, and thanks so much for reading it. Have a great evening! cheers,Carol

In this article: AMCX
Adieu To Don And Mad Men And Women We Love
9 years ago

That's the game of the business. you have to pay for it before you sell it..I Tunes was in competition with the Yahoos and won. Or other portals. Xfinity Krackel all pay upfront to access to unique content. You put money at risk before you have sales. It's called the upfronts. there's one upfront for every form of content By the way, getting into the nexus of Media compensation is not why I wrote the piece.But you are certainly encouraged to dive into it..let us know what you find out. cheers

In this article: AMCX
Adieu To Don And Mad Men And Women We Love
9 years ago

trivia: The online conversation sparked a 991% increase in Coke's digital consumption after the episode aired,

There were 21,204 tweets involving Coca-Cola in the three hours following the Mad Men finale,

"Hilltop" ad, which in real life was the creation of Bill Backer, a former creative director at McCann Erickson.

I personally didn't like the ending. I could never stomach that spot. I couldn't get that awful tune out of my head. I wanted to jump!

In this article: AMCX
Adieu To Don And Mad Men And Women We Love
9 years ago

did you notice the advertisers on the final episode? Heinz Heinz Heinz..but no coke! too funny... Talk about the utlimate spoiler. Coke running a spot halfway thru the show..woot!

In this article: AMCX
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