James Gornick - Comments
PMD Forensic Analyst with Investment Insights
Retired P.M.D. Forensic Analyst with Investment Insights in economics who created theorems being bantered about for the Austerity v. Coase Oppression Investing Demographic Winter. Write frequently to those trying to Get it Right by using Creative Options providing the Money-Math in protective ...more
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Blockbuster SAR-CoV2 Disrupters Pre-ICU / Admitted ICU Patient Treatments & COVID-19 T-Cell Vaccine Horizon
3 years ago

I agree, the title of the article was a mouthful! I had a hard time shorting it, mostly due to the sure nature of covering a myriad of treatments and vaccines for ongoing war.

I will use my reply this morning, in taking efforts on getting out my frustrations for a NOVEL CORONAVIRUS that has killed hundreds of thousands, and yet has not met it's match to date.

Yes, I said WAR--being waged upon China's Deadly Gift--sent around the world with a Kiss...

China's well documented "Evil Intents" by the very nature of evil, as driven China determination in becoming the one and only superpower over our free democracies we all seemingly hold so dear.

I say this, because, it seems our LEFT-WING MEDIA and the Tech-Valley of Google's, Amazon's, Apple's, Twitter's, and a host of Democratic DNC elected Governor's, Mayor's, and elected officials throughout the many states and cities; seeing out and out rioting, causing untold damages throughout our United States.

Just getting out my frustrations this morning. I just can't believe the lengths the LEFT-WING Media has taken in trying to effect a presidential election in 2020.

We can all agree, when one can stand behind the cause of when an African American, who had been suffocated with a lethally used choke hold--as the one loan officer wouldn't release pressure--as many were yelling at the other two law enforcement officers to stop George's death as he was killed in Minneapolis, Minnesota, George Floyd's death, at the hands then, three identified law enforcement officers, with one actually being the stone blooded killer.

NO ONE can disagree with the outrage in the senseless killing of George Floyd, in wear legal protest is quite a correct response.

We in NO WAY or in ANY SHAPE, CONDONE what has gone on behind those that lead BLM condoning the extremes of lawlessness, an increase in civilian death's along with those wearing the BLUE as the violence seen over these past several months And within their past history's.

NO ONE should stand-by and allow lawlessness and outright Anarchies, as being played out in Portland, Seattle, Chicago, and other televised news coming out from a trusted NEWS SOURCE of FOX News; as I recommend many to turn towards, if they want the truth and not the FAKE NEWS Agendas.

Yes, FAKE NEWS AGENDAS being waged against our own 1st amendment rights, and though, I do find some other news outlets not afraid in getting out the truth behind all these very Evil and Diabolical efforts being played out right before all of our very eyes.

In this article: CAPR, ATHX
Blockbuster SAR-CoV2 Disrupters Pre-ICU / Admitted ICU Patient Treatments & COVID-19 T-Cell Vaccine Horizon
3 years ago

The following link should be kept close at hand when dealing with COVID-19 concerns and timely SARS-CoV2 ICU Patient Treatment Protocols: www.ashp.org/.../ASHP-COVID-19-Evidence-Table.ashx Viewing the Thoracic Concerns: www.atsjournals.org/.../rccm.201908-1581ST

In this article: CAPR, ATHX
Blockbuster SAR-CoV2 Disrupters Pre-ICU / Admitted ICU Patient Treatments & COVID-19 T-Cell Vaccine Horizon
3 years ago

The coronavirus disease of the 2019 pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus continues to inflict significant morbidity and mortality around the globe. A variety of cardiovascular presentations of SARS-CoV-2 infection have been described so far. However, the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on the right ventricle is largely unknown. Due to its pathophysiologic relevance, the right ventricle finds itself in the eye of the storm of coronavirus disease of 2019, placing it at a higher risk of failure. Increased afterload from acute respiratory distress syndrome and pulmonary embolism, negative inotropic effects of cytokines, and direct angiotensin-converting enzyme 2-mediated cardiac injury from SARS-CoV-2 are potential mechanisms of right ventricle dysfunction in coronavirus disease of 2019. Early detection and treatment of right ventricle dysfunction may lead to decreased mortality and improved patient outcomes in coronavirus disease of 2019. MOBIL COVID-19 PROTOCOLS: https://mobile.health.mil/asp/#/covid-19

In this article: CAPR, ATHX
Blockbuster SAR-CoV2 Disrupters Pre-ICU / Admitted ICU Patient Treatments & COVID-19 T-Cell Vaccine Horizon
3 years ago

Good Review for Capricor CAP-1002 Study as further will be released within this next reporting qtr. link.springer.com/.../s00395-020-0795-1.pdf This drug has great efficacy for COVID-19 U.S. hot-spots or uptick of cases for a number of patients meeting ICU status of care. This SARS-CoV2 COVID-19 Infectious Diseases Society of America--Adobe.pdf for current standing protocol treatments has a phenomenal pulse of what doctors are facing on the frontlines as of the current date. www.idsociety.org/.../covid-19-guideline-treatment-and-management/ Trying to educate as many as I can so, the more you know, the more you can spread the word for those who are dealing with COVID-19 themselves, or have a family member or close friends diagnosed and admitted into the hospital. with SARS-CoV2 pre-ICU or already admitted into the ICU.

In this article: CAPR, ATHX
Blockbuster SAR-CoV2 Disrupters Pre-ICU / Admitted ICU Patient Treatments & COVID-19 T-Cell Vaccine Horizon
3 years ago

The thoughts and statements/questions you posed in your comments are quite true. The critical part of finding the sources for hope I pointed out clearly with naming Dr. Stephen J. Gould John Hopkins, and Dr. Eduardo Marbán as a renowned Bio as linked here: https://bio.cedars-sinai.org/marbane/index.html

This link is the history of active or status of Phase Trials involving Capricor patents and licensed intellectual Pipeline: clinicaltrials.gov/.../results=

The article posted in April of 2020 had quite remarkable results of critical ICU Intubated patients on a ventilator. www.bioworld.com/.../434747-capricors-covid-19-success-gets-fda-and-market-attention

ALSO: www.cedars-sinai.org/search.html

William, you're spot on, when it relates to the myriad of efforts towards fighting the many human organs of lungs, heart, liver, kidney, brain, and Nero/Chemical DNA, RNA, T-Cell responses in the fight against SARCoV2 and the many unprecedented efforts in either repurposing already FDA approved treatment/drugs/therapies or finding the most brilliant minds of our times--we are all within the petri-dish--of this China Born Novel Coronavirus Panadimic killing already well over 650,000 to date.

Here is another, I hope is a helpful link to exercise one's research in getting a real handle on where smart money and untold advances are being made daily due to a world at war with COVID-19. www.prnewswire.com/.../...therapies-301074466.html

I want to also say; a quick hello and hear your prayer and concerns Andrew Armstrong.

The success of Oxford with AsTraZenca's AZN potent T-Cell antibody response reported and Inovio along with MRNA Moderna. But, even more important, is the Biotech Companies such as Capricor CAPR as one of many you have to watch as I gave price targets going out 3-12 months with possible M&A candidate bringing well over $24 - $32 dollar PT. Look for upcoming breaking news with Capricor and others within what they report in their next SEC filings.

I am appreciating the many conference calls being informative by Capricor, with their efforts with FDA fast-track BLA approvals on the near-term horizon for CAP-1002 several indicated uses, as my article discovers for many then to do their own due diligence.

Hopefully, due diligence in assembling an investment strategy; and more so, to start to build real hope and seeing prayers being answered all around us, as God is truly present and helping the coming of Block-buster Disrupters, as we are all on the right path when it relates towards the use of vaccines developed with Exosomes as I have highlighted within the article.

Last link for research purposes: www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/.../management-of-covid-19/

In this article: CAPR, ATHX
Staying Long Against High-Frequency Traders
3 years ago

Thank you...

In this article: GSK, SNY, INO
Staying Long Against High-Frequency Traders
4 years ago

Notes for Friday 24, 2020 8:00p.m. Wow! Over 129 + million shares changing hands today. Never could imagine the forces of High-frequency Trader(s), and the loss of control to the upside biases of what they can’t control. The jury has come in and sent all the Threatened or Actual Class Action Suits against Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc., as Tweeted and broadcasted, finds on behalf of INO. PT Reminder that we still believe the $37 - $48 as Moderma, Inc., MRNA share price at PT. around $40s - $60 + near-term range. Always trade safely, with keeping your EMOTIONS AT THE TRADING DOOR, and the majority of your trades should do quite well; as its the End-Game that ultimately counts. Be safe and keep praying, as a society, especially for those helping those battling for their lives, and for those who have suffered more than we can imagine; during this China Born Novel Coronavirus COVID19 Pandemic. We, Will, Survive; with keeping God always within the equations—Rebuilding Our Cities, Counties, States, our Country, and our World aa we are more closely connected then we could ever imagine.

In this article: GSK, SNY, INO
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