Cullen Roche | TalkMarkets | Page 29
Founder at Orcam Financial Group, LLC
Mr. Roche is the founder of Orcam Financial Group, LLC, a low fee financial services firm based in San Diego, CA as well as the founder of the popular financial website Pragmatic Capitalism. Orcam Financial Group, LLC is a low fee financial services firm ...more


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John Oliver: Warning Signs Of A Bad Financial Advisor
Beware of the fees in your retirement plans.
Three Things I Think I Think – Weekend Edition June 11
Here are some things I think I am thinking about: decision-making under the Gambler’s Fallacy, the worthlessness of “Wall Street” and the state of American living standards.
Successful Investing Requires A North Star
The best investors in the world all have one thing in common – they have a well defined plan that they stick with through thick and thin.
The Downside Of Academic Finance
The basic foundations of Modern Finance and portfolio construction are incredibly important. But understanding the limitations of these models will also help you sidestep some of the theoretical land mines that still plague the world of finance.
What Is The Worst Case Scenario For Bonds?
If rates rise sharply you’ll almost certainly lose purchasing power in your bonds, however, you will also earn a nominal return better than cash if held to maturity.
Is There A Bubble In Low Volatility Funds?
Investors have been pouring money into low volatility funds at a record pace so far in 2016.
Big Confusion On “Passive” Investing
When you buy a fund do not look at it as “active” or “passive”. Instead, view it as active and ask yourself whether it has a level of diversity, tax efficiency and fee efficiency that is suitable for you.
Why Is The S&P 500 Approaching All-Time Highs?
Greece is back in the news. There’s a devastating recession in oil. Emerging market turmoil is widespread. The Fed is worried about global growth so much that they won’t raise rates.
Three Things I Think I Am Thinking About: Confirmation Bias Edition
Here are some things I think I am thinking about: confirmation bias, robo advisors and rate hikes.
How To Ensure You’re Not Gambling When You’re Allocating Assets
Good portfolio management is really about conquering the problem of time. It is the struggle to match an uncertain time horizon with financial assets that have uncertain life times.
Investing Is Not The Same As Gambling
Like the stock market, the allure of gambling is strong because many people think that having more money will solve most of their problems. Will it really solve most of their problems?
Why Helicopter Drops Would Work
Helicopter money is different in that the Central Bank would not swap out the currently held private sector bond.
Three Things I Think I Am Thinking About – Hump Day Edition
One of the nice things about the growth in ETFs is that now we can judge a lot of these “factors” in real-time. Here’s a low volatility ETF that charges .25% compared to a consumer staples ETF, XLP.
Hedge Funds – Misunderstood, But Still Not Worth It
The average hedge fund is only about 40% net long stocks. The portfolio is also comprised of bonds and alternatives making classification difficult to average out.
A Larger Deficit Won’t Cause Hyperinflation
We’re now 7 years out of the grand monetary experiment and there’s still no inflation on the horizon. In fact, we seem to be coming to an increasing consensus that monetary policy and QE just hasn’t done much.
The Appropriate Portfolio Vs The Optimal Portfolio
We all want the perfect portfolio, the portfolio that achieves the highest amount of return for the lowest degree of risk.
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