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Leading Indicators Not Suggesting Imminent Market Peak, Recession
Leading economic and financial market data still lean bullish when it comes to the cycle's primary trend. However, key measures of investor sentiment are at frothy levels, which raises the risk of a near-term correction over the next 1-3 months.
Yield Curve Not Suggesting Imminent Market Peak, Recession
One of the most frequently cited predictors of a recession is when short-term interest rates rise above long-term interest rates.
Rydex Trader Bullishness Surpasses 2000 Tech Bubble
Jason Goepfert, the definitive source for sentiment data on stocks, bonds, and commodities—has been tweeting out a few warnings signs regarding “excessive optimism” in the stock market, so we decided to have him back for an update.
America’s Unfolding Pension Crisis
News headlines are reporting daily on a pension crisis unfolding in the US. To understand how we got here, there are five major factors that led us to this point.
A Powerful “This Time Is Different” Argument For High Stock Market Valuations
US stock market valuations are high and, depending on the specific measure you look at, one can either argue that we are modestly overvalued or in a straight up bubble in just about everything.
Jobless Claims And Economic Turning Points
With last month’s employment report coming in weaker than expected, some are concerned the US economy is at a turning point. O’Sullivan doesn’t see it this way, however.
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