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Bitcoin Goes Down To $54,000 As The Market Cap Drops Below $2 Trillion
Krypto King 9/10/2024 9:12:45 PM

Can not wait for $XRP-X to have over a 2 Trillion market cap! Bullish

XRP Hitting Secular Support In Overnight Trading Amid Crypto Sell-Off
Roland Murphy 12/20/2022 12:07:11 PM

$XRP-X is the only chart you need to understand.

Into The Ether(eum)
Michele Grant 1/19/2021 5:26:05 PM

I would think after the SEC decided to pursue #Ripple ($XRP-X), people would be far more wary of crypto in general. Do they think other cryptocurrencies will be immune? Ripple is likely a test case.

XRP Started Its 10-Fold Rise … Today
IB Trading 2/2/2020 10:25:22 PM

#Ripple is worth a closer look. $XRP-X

Cryptocurrency History & Origin – Timeline Infographic
Alexis Renault 7/12/2018 2:11:22 PM

With so many #cryptocurrencies to choose from... #bitcoin #etherium #litecoin #dash #ripple #monero and more. How do you choose which one is the best to invest in?


XRP Lower Despite Ripple's Announcement Of New Partnerships Across Emerging Markets
Currency Trader 2/23/2018 3:48:28 AM

Yes. No real connection. If $XRP-X crashes, it woudln't affect #Ripple in the long run. I realize with so many different #cryptocurrencies flooding the market, it can be overwhelming for many.

XRP Lower Despite Ripple's Announcement Of New Partnerships Across Emerging Markets
Alexis Renault 2/22/2018 7:59:21 PM

Sorry for the newbie question but what is the difference between #Ripple and #RippleNet? $XRP-X

Cryptocurrencies Review
Alpha Stockman 2/20/2018 9:34:24 PM

Are there any #cryptocurrencies worth following other than #Bitcoin ($BITCOMP), #Ripple ($XRP-X), #Ethereum ($ETH-X) and #Litecoin ($LTC-X)?

Why Bitcoin Is Not A 'Fraud' Or 'Bubble', But Something You Should Take Seriously
Tom Ellis 2/19/2018 6:31:28 PM

And yet we've not yet seen $BTC-X ($BITCOMP) used for anything except trading, the very definition of a bubble. However $XRP-X has clients, keeps a reserve of 55 Billion XRP in reserve to build out their infrastructure and bolster their portfolio. What does Bitcoin do? Trades with no tangible assets. How many P2B transactions do we see for bitcoin? ATM's? IMO Bitcoin is one of the most robust Ponzis I've seen in my life and I lived through and worked in the dot com bubble whereas all you had to do is walk into a VC's office to get $20MM in seeding.

Bitcoin Technical Analysis, Gold/Silver - Tuesday, Jan. 30
Bill Johnson 1/30/2018 11:23:50 PM

Ayelet, you can find all the authors he's mentioned right here on TalkMarkets. @[Peter Schiff](user:5270), @[David Morgan](user:22941) and pretty much anyone who is anyone that covers #gold, #silver and other #preciousmetals can be found in this section here:

#Bitcoin, #Litecoin, #Etherium, #Ripple and other #cryptocurrencies are all found here:


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