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Facebook Is Not Worth $169
Work Skills 4/1/2018 8:30:57 PM

Wow. I never knew this as happening with $FB. Thank you for sharing this wonderful post.

U.S. Major Indices Fail To Hold Onto Gains In 2018 Q1
Jason Stewart 3/30/2018 9:54:03 PM

I'm actually a bit surprised by the weakness seen in $GOOG as their fundamentals are still in place and going strong. They are also developing a lucrative range of investments ranging from self driving tech to robotics, This differs significantly from $FB despite the fact that both companies are in the business of customer data.

Zuckerberg Scrambles To Calm Facebook Employees
Danny Straus 3/25/2018 11:22:46 PM

#Facebook will be forgiven simply because too many users are addicted to it. People can be very forgiving when they are hooked on a product they love. $FB

"Where's Mark?" CEO's Silence On Cambridge Analytica Is Making Facebook Employees Uneasy
Stock Sanity 3/22/2018 5:53:38 PM

Not sure why this is so surprising. Just like how #Facebook eagerly accepted Russian ad dollars during the last campaign, it's easy to not look too closely at revenue generating initiatives.

Facebook will be forgiven, just like all those before it. $FB

Visa’s Growth Slowdown Has Begun
Noah Kiedrowski 2/20/2018 9:35:30 PM

Single digit revenue growth at a lofty valuation based on any metric in my opinion. There's many companies that are growing revenues much faster with a fraction of the P/E or PEG, namely #Facebook ($FB).

How to Fix Facebook's Phony Feed Problem
Cynthia Decker 2/18/2018 6:54:08 PM

This is a surprisingly simple solution that actually could work. $FB

Facebook: The Ministry Of Truth?
Michelle Bell 2/6/2018 5:46:21 PM

Haven't you ever seen The Social Network movie about #Facebook? I think you believe #Zuckerberg to be far more altruistic than he really is. He'll do what helps his bottom line and step on anyone if it helps his goals. $FB

Facebook Tumbles After Daily Users Miss, Zuck Warns "Users Spending Less Time" On Site
Black Widow 2/5/2018 5:29:40 PM

I'd be interested to know if competitors like #Google have followed suit in banning #bitcoin ads. $FB $GOOGL $BITCOMP

Facebook: The Ministry Of Truth?
Bruce M. Knoth 2/5/2018 2:14:03 PM

While these are good ideas, do you really think Russia paid for those #Facebook ads in rubles? They likely used shell companies of shell companies of shell companies that aren't so easy to track. Even if Facebook looked at who was paying for the ads, it would likely take a forensic expert to track the money all the way back to Russia. I highly doubt #Zuckerberg was trying to help #Trump by accepting those ads. He was duped just as much as the rest of America.

I at least give him credit for trying to do what he can to fix the problem. $FB

Facebook: The Ministry Of Truth?
Doug Morris 2/5/2018 2:11:15 PM

I wonder how much of these statements are actually Mark #Zuckerberg's beliefs? They are more likely coming form#Facebook's PR and legal teams. $FB

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