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The Category 5 Freak-Out Over Libra, Facebook’s Digital Currency
Carol W 6/23/2019 12:34:52 PM

You presume they didn't know about it til now. I don't agree, Everybody knew. They had to wait til Zuck made it public.They will kill #Libra. The govt doesn't want a currency in the private sector. It could be used for drug trafficking, money laundering, etc. and like you say, where $FB goes, $AAPL, $GOOG, $AMZN could follow. They'll try to squash it like a bug.

Report: Facebook Under Criminal Investigation
Duanne Johnson 3/18/2019 6:05:30 PM

In my opinion, #Facebook has always played fast and loose with the law (or at least users' privacy) in order to generate more money. Will it be the end of #Facebook? Doubtful. It's become an indispensable communication tool for too many people. Companies too. $FB

It Just Gets Worse For Facebook
Alexa Graham 11/16/2018 5:28:47 AM

#Facebook is a mess. $FB

It Just Gets Worse For Facebook
Alpha Stockman 11/16/2018 5:25:43 AM

"Facebook chose to turn a blind eye... Now we know that one they knew the truth, top executives did everything they could to hide it from the public..." While I don't disagree, is this now fact? Where is the smoking gun? Did I miss this in the news? $FB

Facebook, Zuckerberg Sued By "Shocked" Shareholders
Alpha Stockman 7/31/2018 3:09:41 PM

Of course Moon, but the average shareholder will likely be spooked causing further drops for $FB.

Is Facebook Worth Its Current Price?
David J. Williamson 7/25/2018 4:13:26 PM

While I believe $FB is overvalued, you answered your own question when you wrote:

"Will another platform make inroads into Facebook’s business, or does it benefit from a kind of network effect whereby enough people are already on Facebook that others have to join to be involved in social media?"

Facebook it too big to worry about competition from a new competitor. A social site only works because everyone you know is already on it. The only real contender would have been Google which already tried and failed with Google Plus. If they couldn't make even a dent in Facebook, why would any other company be able to.

FANG Stocks Alive And Well And New Highs
Carol Klein 5/28/2018 9:18:33 PM

I'm still surprised $FB had no real damage from their privacy violations. But I suppose we have so little privacy anymore, people don't expect much. That and where else will they go?

Are You GDPR Compliant?
Sensible Cents 5/25/2018 11:10:42 AM

Shelly Palmer is completely right. All this new #GDPR law does is quash innovation and hurt startups. As Shelly said, the big companies like Google ($GOOGL) and Facebook ($FB) already have all the private data they need.

"The Bubble Is About To Burst": BofA's 10 Reasons To Sell Tech Stocks
Craig Newman 4/9/2018 10:08:09 PM

Give me a break, how’s $GOOG and $FB a bubble with their PE and PEG? BoA should worry about the flattening yield curve.

5 Things Facebook Must Do Now
Jack S. Chen 4/9/2018 1:36:03 PM

On the one hand, I'd say #Facebook is finished. That they'll never come back from this debacle. On the other hand, I'd say most users still have no idea what happened or to what degree it happened. $FB

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