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The State Of The Millennial Entrepreneur
Danny Straus 4/8/2016 8:11:53 PM

Some people were not meant to fit into the same mold as everyone else. Try and they'll break. Or at least will never reach their full potential. Look at successes like Mark Zuckerberg and $FB.

S&P 500 And Nasdaq 100 Forecast - January 20, 2016
Craig Newman 1/28/2016 6:38:50 PM

I respect the charts but on $SPY I saw the T-30 pattern clear as day. $AAPL $FB & $NFLX especially followed.

Why Facebook Is Looking Less And Less Appealing
Dick Kaplan 9/8/2015 10:22:24 PM

An opinion piece. The author is under the assumption $FB Maxed out. They have been doing the same thing to $AAPL, waiting for it to fall.

Facebook Vs. Twitter – Earnings Analysis
Craig Newman 2/8/2015 4:16:45 PM

Facebook has 5 billionaires that haven't budged plus $TWTR is losing, no growth. $FB Has some real estate they have for the long run.

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