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Is Advertising On Facebook "A Waste Of Money?"
Ayelet Wolf 7/27/2017 9:52:20 PM

Unbelievable video! I suspect it is the same for #Twitter $FB $TWTR

Twitter Plunges After US Monthly Users Drop; Ad Revenues Tumble
Terrence Howard 7/27/2017 9:47:55 PM

The entire #Twitter & Facebook system is flawed. Check out this video which exposes all. It's a real eye opener to the inner workings of how advertising at these companies work. $TWTR $FB:


Twitter Plunges After US Monthly Users Drop; Ad Revenues Tumble
Danny Straus 7/27/2017 9:44:10 PM

It's true. Not just on Twitter though. You can buy #Facebook or #Twitter follows by the thousands. And thousands of companies/individuals offer this service. If thousands of people own thousands of fake accounts... well you can do the math. $FB $TWTR

Twitter Plunges After US Monthly Users Drop; Ad Revenues Tumble
Moon Kil Woong 7/27/2017 1:31:32 PM

It is hard monetizing this, however with dropping active users is going to make it even harder. Sadly #Google and #Facebook will make it hard for any major new Internet media to generate ad revenue. Be careful picking start ups in this space. $TWTR $FB $GOOGL

A Brief History Of Facebook's Acquisitions On Its Journey To Perfection
Ayelet Wolf 5/16/2017 10:15:11 PM

Interesting stuff. But #Facebook was founded back in 2004. What acquisitions were made between 2004 and 2010? $FB.

8 Reasons Why We're Not Snapping Snap's IPO
Bindi Dhaduk 3/10/2017 6:43:59 PM

#Snap is going to very quickly replace #Twitter. Change always comes from the next generation - among my friends, I don't know anyone who still uses Twitter; they've all moved over to #Snap. Just like with #Facebook, all you old folks will eventually follow suit. $FB $TWTR $SNAP

Facebook’s Management Team Gets Stronger
Doug Morris 3/10/2017 5:34:28 AM

As someone who owns shares in #LinkedIn, how will the loss of Ms. Taylor affect them? Has she been replaced yet? $LNKD $FB

Facebook’s Management Team Gets Stronger
Carol Klein 3/10/2017 4:35:54 AM

Thanks for sharing your portfolio and bringing this change at #Facebook to my attention. Much appreciated. $FB

Facebook: Nobody Can Compete
Dan Richards 3/6/2017 11:06:03 PM

All the hype has been about #SNAP, but I think the safe bet is still #Facebook.


Why You Should Hold Your Horses With Snap Inc Shares And Buy Facebook Inc Instead
Kurt Benson 3/3/2017 9:31:01 PM

I agree. I already own $FB and plan to hedge my bets and diversify a bit by investing in $SNAP also.

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