William K. - Comments

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Overheated Economies Do Not Cause Inflation
3 years ago

Really bad news here. And the sole target of federal reserve actions appears to be protecting their friends in the banking business. Increasing the supply of money dilutes the purchasing power of every piece of that money, and reduces the value of saved money, thus creating the need for folks to borrow money from the banks. I am certain that the federal reserve board members all understand this completely. Not only is this logically correct, it has been verified repeatedly by actual inflation instances.

So I am suggesting that the justice department deal with this very deliberate act of high treason according to the laws that have been in existence for many years, and that the trial proceedings should be made public so that others may learn and avoid committing the same crimes again.

Calm Markets Day
3 years ago

Bank of England Governor Andrew Baily warns that cryptocurrencies have no intrinsic value and investors “should be prepared to lose all their money” when they invest in them. I figured that out when I learned that they were mining bitcoins with computers, including hijacked computers. Nothing of value as the basis for a currency. That is a lot like the current bais of USA currency sinca abaondoning thr gold standard. Our currency values are based on the integrity of the Federal Reserve bank. I think we are in DEEP TROUBLE now.

Will Warren Buffett Have The Last Laugh?
3 years ago

Full approval of the text article, less for the video cartoon.

Perhaps Munger and Buffett DO know what they are doing, even as it runs different from the stampede track.

U.S. Hyperinflation Unmasked: BoA Sees ‘Transitory Hyper-Inflation’ Coming
3 years ago

Thanks for stating what has been obvious to me for many years, ever since I had some money to save, long before I was aware of investments. Now, given that the drivers of inflation were fully aware of it, my question is "what was the motivation?" Who was on the benefit side of the plot? It is difficult to imagine that it was not obvious to others as to what was happening, it was certainly clear to me, (an engineer, not a financial type), and so once again I ask "why?" Was it only for the purpose of enriching a few? If so, then perhaps it is time for the correction process to begin. And thanks for the rather disturbing article!

Inflation Shock
3 years ago

Always informative and always interesting. Thank You, V.L.

Finns And Danes
3 years ago

I certainly listen to V.L.! Quite an interesting article, and yes, things have been a bit scrambled. But that happens when emotions drive the truck. When sanity returns and logic prevails stability may begin to reappear.

Gold Price During Hyperinflation
3 years ago

Interesting but a bit discouraging. It seems that at the peak gold could be spent buying durable wealth, such a land. The challenge would then be to handg on to that wealth until normalcy returned.

Perhaps our federal reserve clowns should be forced to read about inflation.

Ranking U.S. Generations On Their Power And Influence Over Society
3 years ago

Both interesting and educational.

How The World’s Energy Problem Has Been Hidden
3 years ago

This is an interesting article indeed. Some interesting claims are made as well.

Unfortunately it also sounds like the bleating of either an apologist for the oil companies or that group from academia that has been complaining for years that the newer countries are consuming more than"their fair share" of the worlds energy. Interestingly enough, life has never been "fair."

The good news is that hydroelectric power generation is doing well at providing electrical power, and coal usage for fuel is decreasing, except for in China. Wind and solar energy generation are increasing, although still they are not enough to show up on the big graphs very well.

Will reaching a vastly higher price for petroleum based energy solve the problem? It will vastly help for those profiting from the production and sale. And so we see that the situation will indeed become more interesting.

Will there be some huge changes in the social order? Certainly some changes are coming, for better or not is not clear to me.

Will we actually run out of energy?? No, we will only run out of cheap energy. Just exactly like that oil shortage, where we ran out of cheap oil, when the price of energy reaches perhaps ten to fifteen times what we presently pay, it will be found that we have all that we need. Will our "quality of life" be different than it is?? Certainly for most of us our quality of life will not be the same, and it will not be better. The income disparity we see today will be just "the warmup act" for what is to come. So, do I see the changes being pushed for by many governments as the best possible choices? Not really.

Weekly Market Pulse: Have We Reached Peak Speculation?
3 years ago

Housing sales have been booming because of the low interest rates on those huge mortgages, and how long will that last? Only until it ends. And then??? And many CEOs are very good motivational speakers, which helps keep investors happy no matter what. So just like that old song, "That's the Way it goes, Where it ends Nobody Knows, (but if it does), That's the way it goes." (A very old song, from the early 1960's.)

So there could be a "correction", because nobody will call it a recession or a crash. Oh Well.

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