The times are certainly changing, and not for the better. The very unfortunate thing about peaks is that they are surrounded by valleys. That fact has been clear through all of history.
This article seems to be a concise summary of the situation, and the conclusions are quite rational.
What is horribly unfortunate is that our president is acting on his personal feelings and not using rational thought or the wisdom of his staff to make these calls.
Good advice from many sources,, including a paraphrase from the Bible, tell us "Do not pick a fight with an enemy that can stomp you into the ground." (My version is more explicit).
Underestimating China's power and ability continues to be a really dumb move. While their ideology is rather more a police state, far different from our thinking, that in no way lessens their ability to be a formidable foe. We do not need to agree with somebody in order to get along with them. And leading by example is less traumatic than attempting to lead by force.
There is a time and a place for underwriting high-risk mortgages, which is doing it as a charity sort of thing with the intention of helping out unfortunate folks by helping them purchase houses.
But that is a lot different from the exact same thing that went on a few years ago, when underwriting high-risk mortgages was done to boost bonuses with no regard to the future impact.
Unfortunately the additional regulation that should have been enacted was not, and so once again the situation exists. If the packaging of high risk paper as securities had been adequately regulated, or perhaps even prohibited. the abuse could have been prevented. But some fools will never learn from other fools errors.
Please keep in mind that the CEO of Tesla is a fantastic speaker! His delivery and speaking skills are far better than most folks. My claim is that that skill set contributes a whole lot to the rise in Tesla share prices.
The five-way split will put the share price at a low enough level that many more buyers will jump on, which is a smart move as I see it.
The whole thing is about marketing! Selling "the experience", as it were.
Probably the virus does not last very long on dead people, and certainly bleach is fairly toxic when injected. I compare our presidents comments to the equally unthinking ones from Ted Nugent, an older rock star. Ted is notorious for unthinking remarks.
So we can see, at least from where I stand, that sales remaining flat is not so very bad if one is doing quite well. Growth is not always a required condition to be doing well. I do realize that this may be an unpopular opinion.
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Observations On The Popular Tesla Stock
A much clearer explanation of what I had stated. Thanks for clarifying.
Market Briefing For Thursday, August 13
The times are certainly changing, and not for the better. The very unfortunate thing about peaks is that they are surrounded by valleys. That fact has been clear through all of history.
The Myth Behind The Trump Administration's Unprecedented Economic Performance
Don't blame me, I did not vote for the guy! And the ballot still needs that one more choice: "None of the Above."
What growth may be seen has been due to the inflationary actions of the federal bank, increasing the money supply to help wall street.
It is possible that we are doomed. It may be that "the light seen at the end of the tunnel" is actually a fast freight headed our way.
Trade Wars Are Killing Pandemic Cooperation
This article seems to be a concise summary of the situation, and the conclusions are quite rational.
What is horribly unfortunate is that our president is acting on his personal feelings and not using rational thought or the wisdom of his staff to make these calls.
Good advice from many sources,, including a paraphrase from the Bible, tell us "Do not pick a fight with an enemy that can stomp you into the ground." (My version is more explicit).
Underestimating China's power and ability continues to be a really dumb move. While their ideology is rather more a police state, far different from our thinking, that in no way lessens their ability to be a formidable foe. We do not need to agree with somebody in order to get along with them. And leading by example is less traumatic than attempting to lead by force.
Canada’s Largest Mortgage Insurer Misplays Its Hand And Now Sounds The Alarm
There is a time and a place for underwriting high-risk mortgages, which is doing it as a charity sort of thing with the intention of helping out unfortunate folks by helping them purchase houses.
But that is a lot different from the exact same thing that went on a few years ago, when underwriting high-risk mortgages was done to boost bonuses with no regard to the future impact.
Unfortunately the additional regulation that should have been enacted was not, and so once again the situation exists. If the packaging of high risk paper as securities had been adequately regulated, or perhaps even prohibited. the abuse could have been prevented. But some fools will never learn from other fools errors.
Observations On The Popular Tesla Stock
Please keep in mind that the CEO of Tesla is a fantastic speaker! His delivery and speaking skills are far better than most folks. My claim is that that skill set contributes a whole lot to the rise in Tesla share prices.
The five-way split will put the share price at a low enough level that many more buyers will jump on, which is a smart move as I see it.
The whole thing is about marketing! Selling "the experience", as it were.
China Plays, Pharma Deals, And Gold Down But Not Out
Probably the virus does not last very long on dead people, and certainly bleach is fairly toxic when injected. I compare our presidents comments to the equally unthinking ones from Ted Nugent, an older rock star. Ted is notorious for unthinking remarks.
Edwards Lifesciences: Near-Term Techno-Fundamental Metrics
I understand that mine is not a common point of view. And I also appreciate that it has not been attacked for being so different.
Cannabis Central: Acreage Q2 Financials Showed Major Improvement
Edwards Lifesciences: Near-Term Techno-Fundamental Metrics
So we can see, at least from where I stand, that sales remaining flat is not so very bad if one is doing quite well. Growth is not always a required condition to be doing well. I do realize that this may be an unpopular opinion.