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GameStop Shares Are Collapsing, Pelosi Says "Will Be Reviewing Issue"
4 years ago

It is not clear why Mz Pelosi is ranting about something that should be investigated by the Justice Department, since I would wager that laws were broken someplace during this mess. Of course it could also be that somebody administered an antidote for clear thinking, and the herd simply ran away. What is becoming clear is that when there is a stampede, many will suffer.

In this article: GME
The Mother Of All Short Squeezes Is Yet To Come
4 years ago

This would have been so much better if it had been presented in a text format instead of an extended monolog.

Text allows us to slow down and understand without having to stop, back up, and restart, which is tedious, by the way. And text allows re-reading in order to fully get what is presented.

So if you want to be a "star With A Show" then do comedy, because that seldom needs a second shot at understanding. Text is for presentations with information of value.

We Have Some Bad News For Gamestop Shorts
4 years ago

I am learning even more here. THANKS!

In this article: GME
The 3 Most Shorted Stocks That Could Be The Next GameStop
4 years ago

Thanks for the excellent explanation as to the risk of shorts. The education is very valuable and the presentation of the explanation was excellent!. And I really appreciate also that it was in a text format instead of a fast-talking rushed out video!. As a strictly value buyer the whole concept was not something clear, up until now.

In this article: AMC, FUBO
Crackdown Arrives: Interactive Brokers Joins Robinhood, Blocks Buying Of Gamestop, AMC, Others
4 years ago

I am wondering just how all of those folks who bought could make the money and get rich. My understanding of the way to "get rich quick" in stocks is to buy low and sell high. The problem arises when nobody wants to BUY HIGH. Holding shares with inflated prices does not seem like a good plan, but rather to unload those shares, take the money, and run, or at least step back a bit.

Of course Ido hope that all who gambled on being able to sell before the turn-around did not invest more than they could afford to lose.

In this article: GME, AMC
Partial Closure
4 years ago

Thanks for both the educational history and for the enlightening stock information.

Game Over, Man
4 years ago

That cartoon at the top is perfect! And so very accurate as well. The problem with following herd instincts is that the wisdom is no smarter than a steak!

My thinking is that the greater the rise the deeper the fall, and this time will be no exception. Unfortunately the damage will undoubtedly spray beyond the participants.

Certainly the thinking to go for value rather than growth is best most of the time, especially for those whose timing may not yet be perfected.

So thanks for a posting that backs up my thinking about the current fiasco.

In this article: GME, AMC
Stand Back!
4 years ago

I recently got a bunch of spoofed emails, and so that plague IS real.

Thanks for the educational read.

Industrial Uncertainty
4 years ago

A whole ot of information but not a lot of discussion. AND, Prayer does work, BUT sometimes the answer is NO! Like Jagger once sang, " You can't always get what you want."

Will Carnival, Royal Caribbean Or Norwegian Stock Grow The Most By 2022?
4 years ago

The big question of mine is how will the cruise lines ever assure that the virus plague will not afflict any given ship. So unless they have an undisclosed solution I do not see any of them returning to how they were.. Starting up again, certainly, but back to the previous? No.

In this article: CCL, RCL, NCLH
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