Susan Miller - Comments

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Bitcoin Surges Back Above $8500 As Goldman Doubts Cryptocurrency Survival
6 years ago

I had seen Christopher Giancarlo's comments about #bitcoin at the Congressional Committee meeting and was very impressed by them.

In this article: BITCOMP
This Is The Way Facebook Ends (And Maybe Apple And Google)
6 years ago

Interesting comment thread that gave me much to think about. @[Richard Bookstaber](user:35121), what are your thoughts on the comments below?

The North Korea Quagmire: Part 1, A Contest Of Colonialism And Communism
7 years ago

@[Raymond Matison](user:59868), you may not be an expert on North or South Korea, but you certainly come across as one!

Terrific Tuesday – Futures Blast Market To New Highs – Just Because
7 years ago

"Trump is taking credit for the whole 3,222-day rally – even though he's only been President for 10% of it." Are you surprised? Very much like #Trump if you ask me.

Stronger Growth, Productivity Are About To Take Off
7 years ago

It's nice to see such a positive outlook. How long do you think it will be for the recovery to be running at full speed?

Picture This Blockchain: Eastman “Cryptocurrency” Kodak
7 years ago

I was just asking about this #KodakCoin talk. I had actually thought it was a joke.

In this article: KODK
What Bitcoin’s Recent Wild Stretch Means For Other Cryptocurrencies
7 years ago

Thank you @[Nathan Feifel](user:56139). While I find #bitcoin and #cryptocurrencies intriguing, I've always found them somewhat confusing. Thanks for clarifying for us older folk.

In this article: BITCOMP, LTC-X
How Many Uber And Lyft Drivers Will Lose Their Jobs? All Of Them
7 years ago

Wow. The question is, would I feel safer with an unlicensed driver shuttling me around, or an AI robotic car? That's a tough one.

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