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A Better Way To Short Volatility
3 years ago

I  don’t think it’s a good time to short VXX. The market is going to get a pullback. Does it start Monday • Mid January • March… that’s the elephant in the room.

The key to shorting VXX is short it at the POP. Not down here at these prices. Watch the calls on Monday. Good luck

In this article: VXX
The Omicron Cloud
3 years ago

And don't forget that a lot of people are taking home tests to find out they have Covid. Those numbers are not included either.

A New Variant Emerges
3 years ago

Susan Miller is correct.  But as Biden said, Omicron is reason to be cautious, not panic.  We don't know enough about it yet one way or the other. More will be come clear in the coming weeks.  In the meantime, some extra caution is never a bad thing.

Is The Married Put The Same As A Long Call?
3 years ago

While this parity has close equivalence near the money, deep ITM long puts should be expected to have less liquidity and wider spreads, especially if the underlying starts going down, getting those long put deltas closer to 100 too early.

Awakn Life Sciences: Wake Up To The Huge Potential
3 years ago

It stands for "Alcohol Use Disorder." Unfortunately, it's an all too common problem for not only Americans, but the entire world.

In this article: AWKNF
Deciphering The FOMC’s Tea Leaves
3 years ago

A recommended read.

No Respect
3 years ago

Actually, the agreement only said that they couldn't attack US troops. And they didn't... ISIS-K did, a Taliban rival.  The agreement never said they couldn't attack Afghani troops. 

Both Trump and Biden were in agreement that if the Afghans weren't willing to fight for their country, why should US soldiers fight and die for it.

Bitcoin Elliott Wave Analysis – Approaching Resistance
3 years ago

Yes, this is speculation and doesn't take many factors into account.

In this article: BITCOMP
SoFi Technologies Stock Forecast 2025: Up To 112% Growth
3 years ago

I never trust in 5 year forecasts.  Anything can happen in such a long time frame. With so many unknown variables, it is impossible to know what will happen.

In this article: SOFI
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