if you read the story behind uber, for example, and how not only they resort to unfair practices, that risk the public in general, and how they tried to change the bad press through blackmail, you would understand why I don't receive well this predictions.
I also feel totally against them because they are meant to, in most cases, enrich individuals at the cost of jobs of many people.
The guys who made this predictions are obviously from a sheltered environment, or have a total lack of empathy, because they are not considering at any point the cost their proposals will have in families around the world, but I guess it's more important to have your 5 minutes of fame, than the future of millions of families around the world who depend on many of the tasks this guys want gone.
the moment that people have an equality in terms of income so they can have a phone or whatever trendy device you suggest to pay, maybe then i think we could get rid of old fashioned money.
But i guess you must be really rich or have a great hatred for those less
fortunate or you would know some people get by with 1dllr daily, or even less. Do you really think they have money for a smart phone?
ok, why not announce the total lack of human interaction. most of this comments give the impression this people have a total lack of social skills, and a hatred for any type of human interaction. if we were to go further with their way of thinking we would end up living in a box, feeding with tubes, to avoid any possible inconveniences, and human interaction.
No wander the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) is invite only, it would be awful to interact
with more than a couple human beings.
Also I should mention it makes me wander how do this shut in geniuses suppose the economy should stand and have income to support other businesses if what they propose is getting rid
of a lot of jobs that support the economy? when they are able to build a table that can stand with no legs to support it I might consider their ideas are viable and not just some pretentious display of pure stupidity, and a total lack of a true understanding of economy.
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12 Industries That May Not Exist By 2020
if you read the story behind uber, for example, and how not only they resort to unfair practices, that risk the public in general, and how they tried to change the bad press through blackmail, you would understand why I don't receive well this predictions.
I also feel totally against them because they are meant to, in most cases, enrich individuals at the cost of jobs of many people.
The guys who made this predictions are obviously from a sheltered environment, or have a total lack of empathy, because they are not considering at any point the cost their proposals will have in families around the world, but I guess it's more important to have your 5 minutes of fame, than the future of millions of families around the world who depend on many of the tasks this guys want gone.
12 Industries That May Not Exist By 2020
the moment that people have an equality in terms of income so they can have a phone or whatever trendy device you suggest to pay, maybe then i think we could get rid of old fashioned money.
But i guess you must be really rich or have a great hatred for those less
fortunate or you would know some people get by with 1dllr daily, or even less. Do you really think they have money for a smart phone?
12 Industries That May Not Exist By 2020
and obviously they can only come up with such an idea, because they obviously have no friends let alone someone to got to the movies with.
I guess next they will propose virtual marriages with 3d rendering of fictional people.
12 Industries That May Not Exist By 2020
ok, why not announce the total lack of human interaction. most of this comments give the impression this people have a total lack of social skills, and a hatred for any type of human interaction. if we were to go further with their way of thinking we would end up living in a box, feeding with tubes, to avoid any possible inconveniences, and human interaction.
No wander the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) is invite only, it would be awful to interact
with more than a couple human beings.
Also I should mention it makes me wander how do this shut in geniuses suppose the economy should stand and have income to support other businesses if what they propose is getting rid
of a lot of jobs that support the economy? when they are able to build a table that can stand with no legs to support it I might consider their ideas are viable and not just some pretentious display of pure stupidity, and a total lack of a true understanding of economy.