Any chance this could be sold as an app instead of a stand alone product? Lot's of people already have devices capable of sensing sound. I already have an #Amazon Echo next to my bed. Would be great if it could sense when I snore and cancel out the sound.
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Why The U.S. Pulling Out Of The Paris Accord Was A Real Mistake
But wouldn't leaving only accelerate #GlobalWarming?
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They do say history repeats itself! Let's hope you are right.
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I always use #Buffet as a guide when investing.
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Good read, thanks.
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Love reading about this stuff. Unfortunately the link you included to the Financial Times article is for members only.
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Would love more coverage on this.
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Any chance this could be sold as an app instead of a stand alone product? Lot's of people already have devices capable of sensing sound. I already have an #Amazon Echo next to my bed. Would be great if it could sense when I snore and cancel out the sound.
2017 Is Set To Be An Epic Year For Copper (SPONSORED POST)
I agree, this could be a big year for #copper. $AMRZF
Who Are The Next Acquisition Targets In Dermatology?
Some good options to consider here, thanks.
Could This Be The Biggest Biotech Breakthrough Of The Decade? (SPONSORED POST)
This sounds potentially (to quote Trump) HUGE!