William K. - Comments

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Coming Soon: The HEALS Act
4 years ago

While a stimulus check may be useful I am wondering where the wealth to pay back that trillion dollars debt will come from. The problem with debt is that eventually it needs to be paid back. In this case it will probably be paid by those not born yet, who ar getting none of the benefits from it. That does sem a bit unfair.

The Markets Are Sending Confounding Messages
4 years ago

Unfortunately the author is correct. The news is bad and my thinking is that the motivations are also BAD, not just poor judgement. I see the fed working to protect friends at the expense of everybody else. Possibly that is a bit cynical, but is it off by much? I don't think so.

Of course those in charge are going to spout off with what they think is the good new that we want to hear. I would prefer truth, and the freedom to use it. But I anticipate neither.

And when the claim is that "we can see the light at the end of the tunnel", I tend to point out that actually, it is a fast freight headed our war. So we must duck way down.

How are we going to deal with this virus plague? The test being launched, with 150,000 people, will not help that half that get the fake medicine. The "double blind: test means that all that half of the folks get is a LIE, with no medical properties at all. I see that as horribly cruel.

Closing business may reduce the spread, but if the jiobs are gone and the businesses fail and folks go broke, then what? And with all the money injected, when inflation steals the value of my wealth away, then what?? And what will happen when that hits those folks who are not nearly so patient as I am? I will quickly step out of their way, that much is certain.

The Elements To Finding And Capitalizing On Opportunities
4 years ago

An interesting and accurate article.

My observation has been that success comes from a combination of insight, effort, knowledge, resources, and luck.

The luck is an ingerient because it is difficult for most folks to see very far into the future.

McDonald's Earnings: Am I Lovin' It?
4 years ago

Interesting article.

And know that I select articles by topic, not by author. So really, any appearance of following is an illusion, a secondary effect.

In this article: MCD
Lockheed Martin: Growth And Dividends
4 years ago

Interesting indeed.

I had not thought about Lockheed-Martin previously.

In this article: LMT
2020 Will Be A Record-Setting Year For Gold
4 years ago

Paragraph 3 describes what gold offers, and a look at the present activities of the fed explains the motivation for folks to buy gold. I would if I could but I can't, so I wont.

Simply put, it is lack of trust in what is being done that motivates gold buyers.

The handwriting is on the wall and unfortunately it is very clear and needs little decoding this time.

In this article: GLD, VIX
US Personal Income, July 2020
4 years ago

The two flaws with supporting the market by creating debt are: First, that debt must eventually be repaid, and second, that creating all that instant money will tend to bid up prices, a lot like inflation. And that inflation will eat up the value of my wealth and savings. And that damage will leave me, and many others, in a bad spot, and we will be rather angry. If that happens then the intent will be to put those responsible into positions where they will never again be able to make any decisions that affect anybody.

Personal income is not surging for everybody, there are several segments seeing no surge upward at all. They will be angry also.

My Internet Woes As Gold Grows
4 years ago

When a service organization says "can't" they mean "won't, because it is inconvenient". The result is very inconvenient for the poster, it seems. But welcome to this blog. or collection of articles, well organized.

Some companies are doing well, others are not so well.We are in a damaged world and it will be that way for a while. The plague going around demonstrates the incompetence of most governments, and we should learn from that.

United Airlines: Turnaround Candidate But High Risk Remains
4 years ago

The description is really that while the passenger part of the business has failed the freight portion is doing well. So really it would be a good time to buy shares at the lower price IFF (=If and only if) one is in it for the long term. But those seeking a quick flip need to look elsewhere. The real risk is in a delayed return to the way it was, not total collapse.

In this article: UAL
Sleeper Gold Bull Market Under Way: Interview With Collin Kettell
4 years ago

Once again, I much prefer a text presentation instead of a video show.

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