William K. - Comments

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Giant Consolidation In Markets Almost Complete. Next Trend Up Or Down?
4 years ago

I am wondering just exactly what definition is being used for the meaning of "consolidation." Is it the sheep-like following that exceeds rational decision making? Or similar businesses suffering the same impact from outside sources? It certainly does not seem to be withing the realm of the standard meaning in common usage.

In this article: SPX, VIX
Bitcoin Hits One-Year High Then Plummets After "Someone" Liquidates $1 Billion In Seconds To Hammer Price
4 years ago

Here we see pricing driven entirely by the market with no change in actual value. So while some are producing profits for them selves this comes from causing a loss to others. To me the smell is a bit like a "free-for-all" with knives and knuckles, not the sort of business I would choose to be in at all.

And yet some are making a profit by this manipulation. I see that it works but not why it is legal.

In this article: BITCOMP
Cannabis Central: What A Difference A Month Makes
4 years ago

Quite fascinating indeed. It seems that after some legalization there are lots of profits to be made by hose able to get the right mix of skills and talent. Of course, Skill+Talent is the mix usually needed to do well, without a whole lot of Luck, that other ingredient.

With this being a whole new (legal) industry, the development will be interesting to watch.

The Power Of The Private Market
4 years ago

This seems like some good advice indeed. And a useful list WHO, although not much "HOW." So thanks for a potentially profitable bit of information.

In this article: L, GOOG, GOOGL, DPZ
12 Stock Market Signals That Are Hard To Ignore
4 years ago

The value of this article would have been a thousand times greater if it had been presented as a text and graphics article instead of a talking and slideshow presentation. Really, presentation does affect the value delivered quite a bit.

I am certain that all who subscribe are far better at reading than at listening to somebody else read.

Possibly there may be an exception, but not many if any.

Text plus graphics is a best way to share information. Slow video slideshows is a whole lot less effective, and a waste ot internet bandwidth.

The Grifters, Part I: Kodak
4 years ago

This is very disturbing and certainly should have been reported by the mainstream news media, Big Time.

This does rather much carry the stink of serious moral corruption that I have been sniffing coming from Mister Trump for some time. Perhaps this information should be in the ears of everybody when the presidential election comes up in November.

Of course, it is also true that Kodak did have some experience producing assorted chemicals for the photographic film industry. So they possibly do have some insight into chemical production, possibly.

In this article: KODK
Square To Report Q2 Earnings: What's In The Cards?
4 years ago

This article makes it appear that "Squares " could be a good investment, or at least something worth watching.

In this article: XYZ
Ethereum's 5th Anniversary: How To Trade Today
4 years ago

Interesting, BUT I have no interest in owning any cryptocurrency.

The Fed's Dollar Debasement Will Trigger An Unprecedented Structural Shift
4 years ago

The bad news is that the predicted "structural shift" will NOT enhance the USA position.

Is A 12% Decline In Jobless Claims Good Enough?
4 years ago

What seems to be rather confusing is the references to New Jobless Claims, rather than "total jobless claims so far." The problem with the wording is that it seems to me that the numbers stated are the additional jobs lost and not the total number of jobs lost.

Are businesses that were operational now closing and releasing people? That is what my take on the statements is, or are these folks who need to file for unemployment every month, and now are fewer in numbers? A change in reporting word usage could give a clearer picture, but it would be a more disturbing one, I am sure. Telling the total number of unemployment claims instead of just reporting new ones looks like an attempt to avoid telling bad news because it will disturb folks. Not quite openly lying, but certainly hiding the truth.

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