Consider that huge run-up in gasoline prices a few years ago, that appeared to have been caused by a group of speculators buying petroleum futures with borrowed money. The resulting spike in pricing hurt most of the rest of us. Perhaps the speculators did not intend so much damage, we will never get to know. Sometimes folks learn to refrain from causing injury to others.
My own take on it is that petroleum speculation using borrowed funds should be regarded as a serious criminal act.
Speculation using borrowed money is a way to do big damage to everybody else. That is not a WKF, it is a brutal truth. And just like stated, sometimes other things get in people's way. The fact is that many people change, and some of them actually grow up.
The exact details of the technical analysis would be interesting, I am guessing. I realize that they are private secrets, but sometimes an insight can be valuable.
Far too often the US FDA comes across as a collection of exceptionally heartless devils intent only on having their own way irrespective of any cost in human sufferings and deaths. Far more concerned with some nebulous agenda than with reducing suffering, it is difficult to have any respect for the organization. So when this drug starts saving lives and getting attention, it seems reasonable that all of the general public should be made aware of how long the delay has been.
The fact that profits were not as much as hoped for, but still quite impressive, does not seem so terrible from where i stand. Still quite a bit of PROFIT, keep that in mind. If there were a loss then there would be something to cry about.
For starters, I made a typo. That first sentence should have been "being able to grasp TRENDS quickly can be a valuable skill. That is what I meant to say, and I hope it makes more sense.. Sorry Freddy!
It looks to me like Mister Trump had been suffering from "issues", and clearly he lacks the class to deal with them gracefully. Old age will do that to some folks. Thus I am concerned for Mister Biden because of his age.
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Consider that huge run-up in gasoline prices a few years ago, that appeared to have been caused by a group of speculators buying petroleum futures with borrowed money. The resulting spike in pricing hurt most of the rest of us. Perhaps the speculators did not intend so much damage, we will never get to know. Sometimes folks learn to refrain from causing injury to others.
My own take on it is that petroleum speculation using borrowed funds should be regarded as a serious criminal act.
Speculation using borrowed money is a way to do big damage to everybody else. That is not a WKF, it is a brutal truth. And just like stated, sometimes other things get in people's way. The fact is that many people change, and some of them actually grow up.
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The exact details of the technical analysis would be interesting, I am guessing. I realize that they are private secrets, but sometimes an insight can be valuable.
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Far too often the US FDA comes across as a collection of exceptionally heartless devils intent only on having their own way irrespective of any cost in human sufferings and deaths. Far more concerned with some nebulous agenda than with reducing suffering, it is difficult to have any respect for the organization. So when this drug starts saving lives and getting attention, it seems reasonable that all of the general public should be made aware of how long the delay has been.
Possibly a revision could be in order.
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The fact that profits were not as much as hoped for, but still quite impressive, does not seem so terrible from where i stand. Still quite a bit of PROFIT, keep that in mind. If there were a loss then there would be something to cry about.
An interesting and informative post.
Tilray Inc. Corrects Despite Much Improved Q3 Financial Results
An educational article.
Overwrought (OSTK)
For starters, I made a typo. That first sentence should have been "being able to grasp TRENDS quickly can be a valuable skill. That is what I meant to say, and I hope it makes more sense.. Sorry Freddy!
The World Has Turned Sunny
You are correct. It is his judgement that has deteriorated with age.
The World Has Turned Sunny
It looks to me like Mister Trump had been suffering from "issues", and clearly he lacks the class to deal with them gracefully. Old age will do that to some folks. Thus I am concerned for Mister Biden because of his age.
Certainly this was an interesting post.