Good article, thanks. Totally unrelated but what do you think about $AZN? I know Pfizer and Moderna have the head start on the vaccine, but it sounds like AZN's drug will be almost as effective at 90% efficacy (if they can replicate their initial test where they accidentally gave a quarter of the participants a 1/2 dose). And at $2 per vial instead of $200, I would think it will be the drug of choice for populous, yet poor nations like India, and Africa. Plus there will be no need for specialized freezers.
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Caveat Emptor - Are You A WSB 'Useful Idiot'?
How much are you willing to lose on $GME to prove your point?
Siebert Financial Up 650% As "Wall Street Bets" Short Squeeze Continues
Will this settle down or is this the new normal?
VistaGen Is Prepared For 2021 Fueled By Recent Analyst Upgrades And Large Institutional Buyers
Thanks for your thoughts. Makes a lot of sense.
The First Of Three Conversations
You should add a link at the end of this blog to your follow up blog posts.
VistaGen Is Prepared For 2021 Fueled By Recent Analyst Upgrades And Large Institutional Buyers
Good article, thanks. Totally unrelated but what do you think about $AZN? I know Pfizer and Moderna have the head start on the vaccine, but it sounds like AZN's drug will be almost as effective at 90% efficacy (if they can replicate their initial test where they accidentally gave a quarter of the participants a 1/2 dose). And at $2 per vial instead of $200, I would think it will be the drug of choice for populous, yet poor nations like India, and Africa. Plus there will be no need for specialized freezers.
The Year The World Fell Down The Rabbit Hole
Good article Gary, thanks for sharing.
Alibaba Hit With Antitrust Probe By Chinese Government
Was wondering the same.
2020: The Year Things Started Going Badly Wrong
Right as usual!
Technically Speaking: Is The Narrative All “Priced In?”
Well said.
Weighing The Week Ahead: Learning From Swiss Cheese
Good read. Very excited about all the developments in the search for an effective vaccine.